In 2018, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)
officially designated Rothamsted as a Centennial Station,
joining a global network of sites recognised by the WMO for
recording reliable observations for over 100 years.
These weather data are the longest available historic weather data available in Hertfordshire, England.
Real-time hourly, daily and yearly weather charts for Rothamsted are available on-line over 28 days or 365 days (rolling) via the Rothamsted Environmental Change Network (ECN) pages.
Daily meteorological data recorded at Rothamsted, Harpenden, Hertfordshire available from 1853. Since January 1st 2004, meteorological records have been measured by a range of sensors attached to an automatic data logger; some manual observations continued to be made until May 2007. The datalogger was updated from a CR23X to a CR3000 on 20/06/2019.
Hourly data from 2004 is available from the e-RA Curators.
Variable | Units | Description | Dates recorded | Methods of measurement | ||||||||||||||||||||
Air temperature |
TMAX | °C | Maximum temperature | 1878-current date |
TMAX is recorded over the 24 hour period up to 0900GMT, for the previous day's maximum TMIN is recorded over the 24 hour period up to 0900GMT, for the current day's minimum Since 2004 recorded by thermistors (electronic temperature probes, Campbell Scientific, type 107). TMAX originally recorded using a mercury-in-glass sheathed column maximum thermometer and TMIN using a spirit-in-glass with indicator bar minimum thermometer, both housed in a naturally aspirating temperature screen. |
TMIN | °C | Minimum temperature | 1878-current date | |||||||||||||||||||||
WETB | °C | Wet bulb temperature, measuring temperature of evaporation | 1915-January 2014 |
Recorded at 0900GMT Since 2004 recorded by thermistor (electronic temperature probe, Campbell Scientific, type 107). Originally measured with a mercury-in-glass column thermometer, the bulb covered by a cotton wick kept moist from a water reservoir. Housed in a naturally aspirating temperature screen. Used to calculate relative humidity (RELH), vapour pressure (VAP) and dew point (DEWP). Discontinued in January 2014 and replaced by a Relative Humidity Sensor to measure RELH. |
DRYB | °C | Dry bulb temperature | 1915-current date |
Recorded at 0900GMT Since 2004 recorded by thermistor (electronic temperature probe, Campbell Scientific, type 107). Originally measured with a sheathed mercury-in-glass column thermometer, housed in a naturally aspirating temperature screen. Used to calculate relative humidity (RELH), vapour pressure (VAP) and dew point (DEWP). | ||||||||||||||||||||
DEWP | °C | Dew point | 1915-current date; |
Recorded at 0900GMT Derived from DRYB and RELH since 2014, after the method of Buck (1981). (see derived variables), calculated within the datalogger. Derived from DRYB and WETB until 2013, (see derived variables), calculated within the datalogger. Before 2004 it was calculated from hygrometric tables. |
GRSMIN | °C | Grass minimum temperature | 1909-current date |
Recorded at 0900GMT Since 2004 recorded by thermistor (electronic temperature probe, Campbell Scientific, type 107), approx. 1cm above grass surface, measurement period 1800-0900GMT, measured according to Met Office Procedure. Previously recorded using a glass sheathed spirit-in-glass with indicator bar minimum thermometer, with bulb just touching grass surface, with cotton sleeve and anti-condensation shield on upper part of the instrument, minimum temperature 0900-0900GMT. |
Soil temperature under grass |
G10T | °C | Soil temperature under grass at 10cm | 1931-current date |
Recorded at 0900GMT Since 2004 recorded by thermistors (electronic temperature probes, Campbell Scientific, type 107), buried in the soil at the appropriate depth. First recorded using specially adapted thermometers set at depths of 4, 8, 12, 24 and 48 inches (10, 20, 30, 61 and 122cm) under grass cover. Since 1972, re-set to 10, 20, 30, 50 and 100cm (Penman 1974). G10T, G20T and G30T were in direct contact with the soil. G30T was discontinued in 1997. The thermometers used to record E30T, E50T and E100T were encased in a glass sheath in a metal tube, enabling easy removal to read the temperature. The bulb was set in paraffin wax to minimize rapid temperature fluctuations when the thermometer was removed from the soil. |
G20T | °C | Soil temperature under grass at 20cm | 1931-current date | |||||||||||||||||||||
G30T | °C | Soil temperature under grass at 30cm | 1931-1997 | |||||||||||||||||||||
E30T | °C | Soil temperature under grass at 30cm | 1915-1957; 1997-current date | |||||||||||||||||||||
E50T | °C | Soil temperature under grass at 50cm | 1948-current date | |||||||||||||||||||||
E100T | °C | Soil temperature under grass at 100cm | 1945-current date | |||||||||||||||||||||
Soil temperature under bare soil |
S10T | °C | Bare soil temperature at 10cm | 1931-current date |
Recorded at 0900GMT Since 2004 recorded by thermistors (electronic temperature probes, Campbell Scientific, type 107), buried in the soil at the appropriate depth. First recorded using specially adapted thermometers set at depths of 10, 20 and 30cm (4, 8 and 12 inches) under bare soil (S10T, S20T and S30T). S10T and S20T were in direct contact with the soil. The thermometers used to measure S30T were encased in a glass sheath in a metal tube, enabling easy removal to read the temperature. The bulb was set in paraffin wax to minimize rapid temperature fluctuations when the thermometer was removed from the soil. | ||||||||||||||||||||
S20T | °C | Bare soil temperature at 20cm | 1931-current date | |||||||||||||||||||||
S30T | °C | Bare soil temperature at 30cm | 1931-current date | |||||||||||||||||||||
Rainfall (precipitation) |
RAIN | mm | Rainfall from original 5 inch gauge | 1853-1879; 1914-current date |
Total rainfall over 24 hours recorded at 0900GMT RAIN was originally recorded in a 5 inch (12.7cm) diameter cylindrical rain gauge built in a garden near the laboratory in 1852. The water collected was measured in a graduated cylinder until about 1880. The gauge was then moved to the current meteorological enclosure. In 1948, a 12.7cm diameter (5 inch) copper rain gauge of Meteorological Office standard (MK2 cyclindrical gauge) was installed within a 0.3 m high, 1.5 m radius turf wall retained by brick to reduce wind eddies. Since Sept 9th 2020 rainfall has been recorded with an SBS500 tipping bucket hourglass rain gauge, funnel diameter 25.1cm and calibrated to tip at 0.2mm, manufactured by Environmental Measurements Ltd (EML), supplied and calibrated by Campbell Scientific. It is no longer sited within the turf wall, as the aerodynamics of the gauge means that it should not be affected by wind eddies. From December 10th 2003 to 8th Sept 2020 it was measured by an electronic tipping bucket hourglass rain gauge of 25.4cm (10 inch) diameter, ARG100 (manufactured by EML, supplied and calibrated by Campbell Scientific), calibrated to tip at 0.2mm, within the original turf wall. The old 5 inch manual copper rain gauge is still used to manually measure precipitation fallen as snow when the tipping bucket rain gauge is blocked with snow or ice. Summary of the different rain gauges used for RAIN (with thanks to Tony Scott):
Data from RAIN is missing between 1880-1914, and it is recommended that for a complete run of data from a standard rain gauge RAIN5 should be used for 1880-1914. "Missing values" There are many instances before 2004 when no data is shown for RAIN (rather than zero). This is because a 'trace' of rain, snow, mist, dew or fog was manually recorded. A 'trace' is less than 0.05mm. For most purposes a missing value can be assumed to be zero. EML state that the "ARG100 rain gauge typically captures over 5% more rainfall than most traditionally-shaped cylindrical gauges due to its unique aerodynamic shape and reduced evaporation-loss properties". This has found to be the case at Rothamsed. A review of the differences in rainfall capture between the ARG100 and the manual 5 inch gauge at Rothamsted was conducted. Using a double mass curve analysis, annual data from 1990-2017, and looking at each added year from 2004 (when the ARG100 was introduced), the overall correction factor is 1.1 or 10%. This means that the ARG100 captures 10% more rainfall than the manual 5 inch gauge. This correction is only applicable to annual and monthly totals, and to the variable RAIN at Rothamsted (ie ROTHMET only). It is not applicable to RAINL or RAIN5. To convert 5 inch data to ARG100 data, multiply by 1.1. To convert ARG100 data to 5 inch, divide by 1.1. We recommend that when you download data that spans both gauges, you multiply the 5 inch data by 1.1. Please contact the e-RA Curators for more information. |
RAIN5 | mm | Rainfall from second 5 inch gauge | 1873-1987 |
Total rainfall over 24 hours recorded at 0900GMT The variable RAIN5 was originally recorded in another 5 inch (12.7cm) cooper rain gauge, established in 1873. Data was not recorded in e-RA after 1987. RAIN and RAIN5 are two separate gauges, hence the values do not exactly agree. Data from RAIN is missing between 1880-1914, and it is recommended that for a complete run of data from a standard rain gauge RAIN5 should be used for 1880-1914. "Missing values" There are many instances before 1987 when no data is shown for RAIN5 (rather than zero). This is because a 'trace' of rain, snow, mist, dew or fog was manually recorded. A 'trace' is less than 0.05mm. For most purposes a missing value can be assumed to be zero. |
RAINL | mm | Rainfall in the 1/1000th acre rain gauge, to be used with the drainage data (DR20, DR40 and DR60) ONLY | 1853-current date |
Total rainfall over 24 hours recorded at 0900GMT RAINL measures rain in a gauge of 1/1000th of an acre (4.047 sq metres), built in 1852/53. The gauge was constructed of timber with a lead funnel. Rain was collected daily in carboys and weighed to estimate the amount of rain. In 1873 a new gauge was installed and the carboys replaced by galvanized iron calibrated cylinders to measure rainfall. The old gauge was replaced by an identical new one in 1992. For the early history see Lawes et al., 1881. On 24th November 2023 the rain gauge (ARG100 tipping bucket, installed in 2004) measuring RAINL was replaced with a new rain gauge (TB4MM, Manuf. Hyquest Solutions, NSW, Australia; Supplier Campbell Scientific). The new gauge has funnel diameter of 20cm (8 inch), surface area of 314 cm2 as opposed to the ARG100 which had a diameter of 25.4 cm (10 inch) and surface area of 506.71 cm2. Based on the large funnel surface area the new calibration is 0.00155 mm / tip. In 2004 the original calibrated cylinders were replaced by an electronic tipping bucket rain gauge ARG100 (manufactured by Environmental Measurements Ltd (EML), supplied and calibrated by Campbell Scientific), calibrated to tip with every 0.0025mm of rain. In July 2010 the lead lining was stolen and it was replaced by a new stainless steel funnel of grade 316 and dimensions 2213mm x 1829mm in February 2011. No RAINL data was collected for this period. Since 2004, when the met station was automated, RAINL may have been underestimating rainfall when rain is intense. RAINL should only be used in conjunction with the drainage data, which has the same surface area (DR20, DR40, DR60). For general daily rainfall data please use RAIN. It is recommended that if you use RAINL, RAIN should be used as a check. "Missing values" There are many instances before 2004 when no data is shown for RAINL (rather than zero). This is because a 'trace' of rain, snow, mist, dew or fog was manually recorded. A 'trace' is less than 0.05mm. For most purposes a missing value can be assumed to be zero. |
RDUR | hr | Rainfall duration | 1931-current date |
Total hours of rainfall over 24 hours recorded at 0900GMT Since Sept 9th 2020, it has been recorded with an SBS500 tipping bucket rain gauge, funnel diameter 25.2cm and calibrated to tip at 0.2mm, manufactured by Environmental Measurements Ltd (EML), supplied and calibrated by Campbell Scientific. Previously, from 2004, when the met station was automated, it was measured by an electronic tipping bucket rain gauge ARG100 (manufactured by Environmental Measurements Ltd, supplied and calibrated by Campbell Scientific), used to record RAIN. Originally measured by a Negretti and Zamra natural siphon rain recorder. Rain was collected in a float chamber and recorded on a daily chart on a clock drum, which recorded 10mm of rain before siphoning began and the recording restarted at the bottom of the chart. In 1978 this was replaced with a Cassella recorder with a diameter of 20.3cm. |
Drainage data (percolation) |
DR20 | inches | Drainage from drain gauge at 20 inch (51cm) depth | 1870-current date |
Total drainage over 24 hours recorded at 0900GMT Three drain gauges (DR20, DR40 and DR60) were constructed at Rothamsted in 1870. They consist of undisturbed blocks of soil 20, 40 and 60 inches (51, 102 and 152 cm) deep and are equal in area to the rain gauge of 1/1000th of an acre (RAINL). The gauges were constructed by digging under and around the block of soil, placing perforated plates underneath at the required depth and bricking up the sides. The soil around the gauges remained undisturbed throughout the construction process. From 2004 to May 2023 drainage was measured by electronic tipping bucket rain gauge ARG100 (manufactured by Environmental Measurements Ltd (EML), supplied and calibrated by Campbell Scientific). Drain water was originally measured by weighing the carboys of collected water (as for RAINL), but these were replaced by calibrated cylinders. All three drain gauges remain as originally built. The soil has never been deep cultivated or cropped and the top is kept clear by hand weeding. In May 2023 the ARG100 gauges were replaced by KALYX electronic tipping bucket rain gauges (supplied and calibrated by Campbell Scientific Ltd) funnel diameter 12.7cm (5"). The 20" gauge was replaced on 18/05/2023; the 40" and 60" gauges on 19/05/2023. |
DR40 | inches | Drainage from drain gauge at 40 inch (102cm) depth | 1870-current date | |||||||||||||||||||||
DR60 | inches | Drainage from drain gauge at 60 inch (152cm) depth | 1870-current date | |||||||||||||||||||||
Sunshine |
SUN | hr | Hours of sunshine | 1890-current date |
Total sun hours over 24 hours, 0000GMT to 2400GMT Since May 2022 sunshine has been calculated using the Campbell-Stokes equation from solar radiation measured using a CMP3 Kipp and Zonen thermopile pyranometer. From 2004 until April 2022 it was calculated using a CM3 Kipp and Zonen thermopile pyranometer. Originally recorded using a Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder. The sun's rays are focused onto a card (treated to prevent it from catching fire) and the brown scorch mark on the card is then measured. The cards are of varying lengths applicable to the time of year (winter, equinox, and summer). | ||||||||||||||||||||
Radiation |
RAD | J/cm2 | Total solar radiation | 1931-current date |
Total over 24 hours, 0000GMT to 2400GMT Total solar radiation measured since May 2022 by a CMP3 Kipp and Zonen thermopile pyranometer. From 2004 until April 2022 measured by a CM3 Kipp and Zonen thermopile pyranometer. Recorded since 1921, but the data in e-RA are from 1931, as the early data was considered unreliable. Originally recorded with a Callendar radiation chart recorder. In 1955 this was replaced with a Moll-type solarimeter (Kipp) with a paper chart recording potentiometer. Daily totals were obtained by planimeter integration until 1958 when an automatic integrator was added. A Kipp integrator and recorder was used from 13th November 1975, and a Kipp and Zonen integrator installed in 1989. All data before 1955 should be treated with caution. There was much uncertainty about the sensitivity of the equipment (Penman 1974). Radiation readings between 1947 and 1954 are around 20% higher than would be expected from sunshine hours, and much data is missing between 1947 and 1949. Data are recorded as J/cm2. To convert to MJ/m2 divide by 100 (see Conversion factors). |
Cloud |
CLOUD | okta | Cloud cover | 1915-2007 |
Recorded at 0900GMT Observed cloud cover on a scale of 0 to 9 Oktas. 0 = the complete absence of cloud. 1 = a cloud amount of 1 eighth or less of the sky, but not zero, etc. 7 = a cloud amount of 7 eighths or more, but not full cloud cover. 8 = full cloud cover with no breaks. 9 = sky obscured by fog or other meteorological phenomena. |
Wind |
WDIR | degrees | Wind direction (0-360 degrees) (at 10m) | 1853-current date |
Recorded at 0900GMT Wind direction (WDIR) has been recorded since 1853 and is measured by a wind vane. It is shown as an angle, going clockwise from North. 360 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West. The reading 0 (or 000) indicates that there is no wind, ie the windspeed is 0 m/s. A WDIR reading of 0 with a windspeed greater than 0 implies that the WDIR is 360 degrees (North). Since 21/04/2022 WDIR has been measured by an electronic wind vane (Vector Instruments, W200P) installed at 10m above ground level. Between 2004 and April 2022 it was recorded by a W200P wind vane at a height of 12.8m above ground level. The standard height for surface wind measurements over open and level terrain is 10m. However, no correction is needed for wind measured between 8 and 13m (Met Office, 1982). We therefore assumed a mid-point height of 10m. From 2004 WDIR has been calculated as an average over 10 minutes from 0850 to 0900GMT. From 1978 (WDIR) was measured by a wind vane linked to a Munro roll chart recorder (model IM175). Previously it was estimated from a wind vane with fixed ordinal points. |
WFORCE | code | Wind force in Beaufort scale (0-12) | 1915-1959 |
Recorded at 0900GMT Wind speed was first estimated using the Beaufort scale, which describes wind force on a scale of 0 (no wind) to 12 (hurricane) based on observations of the movement of smoke, leaves, branches, etc. From 1960 onwards this was replaced by direct measurements of wind speed (WINDSP).
The Beaufort scale can be converted to wind speed: V = 0.836 x SQRT (B3) where V is the equivalent wind speed (m/s) at 10 metres above ground level and B is Beaufort scale number (see Conversion factors). | ||||||||||||||||||||
WINDSP | m/s | Wind speed (at 10m) | 1960-current date |
Recorded at 0900GMT Direct measurement of wind speed (WINDSP) by cup anemometer replaced the visual assessment of windspeed (WFORCE) based on the Beaufort scale in 1960. Since 21/04/2022 WINDSP has been recorded by electronic cup anemometer (Vector Instruments, A100LK/2) installed at a height of 10m above ground level. From 2004 until April 2022 it was recorded by electronic cup anemometer (Vector Instruments, A100LK/2) installed at a height of 12.8m above ground level. The standard height for surface wind measurements over open and level terrain is 10m. However, no correction is needed for wind speeds measured between 8 and 13m (Met Office, 1982). We therefore assumed a mid-point height of 10m. From November 1977 it was measured by a cup anemometer linked to a Munro roll chart recorder (model IM175). Previously it was measured with a Dines anemometer. WINDSP and WFORCE are point values, recorded at 0900GMT. From 2004 WINDSP has been calculated as an average over 60 seconds sampled at 0900GMT. Average daily (24 hour) windspeed can be calculated from total daily WINDRUN, correcting for height (see Conversion factors). | ||||||||||||||||||||
WINDRUN | km | Run of Wind (at 2m) | 1946-current date |
Total run of wind in 24 hours, recorded at 0900GMT WINDRUN measures the total 'run' (distance) of wind in 24 hours. It is measured by a cup anemometer. Since February 1st 2014 it has been recorded by an electronic cup anemometer (Vector Instruments A100LK) at the standard height of 2m above ground level. Recorded from February 4th 2004 to January 2014 with an electronic cup anemometer (Vector Instruments, A100LK/2) at 12.8m above ground level, downscaled to the 2m equivalent by multiplying by 0.78 (see Conversion factors) From 1946 to February 3rd 2004 recorded manually using a cup anemometer with a calibrated meter at the standard height of 2m. | ||||||||||||||||||||
DiaryDaily observations, based on standard Met Office weather codes. Discontinued 1978 or mid 2007. |
REMARKS | Text | 1853-1959; 1989-2007 | Weather diary - written visual observations. | |||||||||||||||||||||
DYHAIL | Code | Code indicating type of hail | 1960-1988; 1998-2007 |
Recorded at 0900GMT Manual observations indicating if hail was present during the day, and if so, what type. Code 0-7. 1 = Ice prisms; 2 = Snow grains; 3 = Snow pellets; 4 = Ice pellets; 5 = Hail (5-9mm diameter); 6 = Hail (10-19mm diameter); 7 = Hail (20mm diameter or more). Null or code 0 = No Hail. |
DYSNOW | Code | Code indicating day with snow or sleet | 1960-88; 1998-2007 |
Recorded at 0900GMT Manual observations recording if snow or sleet was present. Code 1 = sleet, code 5 = snow crystals. Code 0 = no snow. |
DYTHUN | Code | Code indicating day with thunder | 1960-1988; 1998-2007 |
Recorded at 0900GMT Manual observations recording if thunder was present. Code 1 = thunder during the day, code 0 = no thunder during the day. |
FOG | Code | Code indicating day with fog | 1960-1978 |
Recorded at 0900GMT Manual observations recording if fog was present. Code 1 = fog present, code 0 = no fog. |
SNOWL | Code | Code indicating whether snow lying | 1960-1978 |
Recorded at 0900GMT Manual observations recording if snow was present. This may have been snow from a previous day. See FSNOWD for depth of freshly fallen snow for the current day. Code 1 = snow present, code 0 = no snow. |
SNOWD | mm | Total depth of snow | 1960-2007 |
Recorded at 0900GMT Manual recording of total depth of lying snow at the time of observation. This may have been snow from a previous days. See FSNOWD for depth of freshly fallen snow for the current day. |
FSNOWD | mm | Depth of freshly-fallen snow | 1960-1978 |
Recorded at 0900GMT Manual recording of total depth of freshly-fallen snow. |
Other selected fields |
RELH | % | Relative humidity | 1925-current date |
Recorded at 0900GMT Since August 7th 2018 measured by a Relative Humidity sensor EE181 (manufactured by E+E Elektronic Corporation, supplied and calibrated by Campbell Scientific). This replaced the MP100A RH Sensor (manufactured by Rotronics, supplied by Campbell Scientific) installed in late 2013. Previously derived from WETB and DRYB (see derived variables). |
BAR | mb | Barometric pressure | 1915-1959; 1977-2003 |
Recorded at 0900GMT Atmospheric pressure was measured with a mercury barometer until 2003. For further details, see Met Office (1982) p 103. |
THERM | °C | Attached thermometer reading for barometric pressure | 1915-1959 |
Recorded at 0900GMT A thermometer attached to the instrument casing, known as the attached thermometer, was used to measure the temperature of the mercury column from which the density of the mercury was established. The barometer and attached thermometer were kept indoors. For further details, see Met Office (1982) p 103. |
BAR_MSL | mb | Air pressure at Mean Sea Level (MSL) | 1950-1977 |
Recorded at 0900GMT Atmospheric pressure corrected to Mean Sea Level was measured with a mercury barometer. For further details, see Met Office (1982) p 103. |
VAP | mb | Vapour pressure | 1946-current date |
Recorded at 0900GMT Since January 15th 2014 derived from RELH and DRYB after the method of Buck (1981), calculated within the datalogger. Previously derived from DRYB and WETB (see derived variables). | ||||||||||||||||||||
VIS | Code | Visibility | 1923-2007 |
Recorded at 0900GMT Manual recording of visibility. Codes 0-9, E, X (1960-2007): CODE X = Dense fog. Visibility range 0-19m; CODE E = Dense fog. Visibility range 20-39m; CODE 0 = Thick fog. Visibility range 40-99m; CODE 1 = Thick fog. Visibility range 100-199m; CODE 2 = Thick fog. Visibility range 200-399m, CODE 3 = Moderate fog. Visibility range 400-999m; CODE 4 = Very poor visibility, range 1000-1999m; CODE 5 = Poor visibility, range 2000-3999m; CODE 6 = Moderate visibility, range 4-9km; CODE 7 = Good visibility, range 10-19km; CODE 8 = Very good visibility, range 20-39km; CODE 9 = Excellent visibility, range 40km or over. Codes A-M, (1923-1959, 1960-2007 equivalent code in brackets): CODE A (E) = Dense fog. Visibility range 18-22m; CODE B (0) = Thick fog. Visibility range 36-44m; CODE C (1) = Thick fog. Visibility range 90-110m; CODE D (2) = Fog. Visibility range 180-220m; CODE E (3) = Moderate fog. Visibility range 360-440m; CODE F (4) = Very poor visibility. Visibility range 900-1100m; CODE G (5) = Poor visibility. Visibility range 1.8-2.2 km; CODE H (6) = Moderate visibility. Visibility range 3.6-4.4km; CODE I (6) = Moderate visibility. Visibility range 6.3-7.7 km; CODE J (7) = Good visibility. Visibility range 9-11 km; CODE K (8) = Very good visibility. Visibility range 18-22km; CODE L (8) = Very good visibility. Visibility range 27-33km CODE M (9) = Excellent visibility. Visibility range 36-44km. |
Title (hover for a longer description) | Year of Publication | Identifier | Version |
Weather Data | |||
Mean Seasonal Air Temperature and Total Seasonal Rain at Rothamsted 1968-2022 | 2023 | |
01 |
Weather Data - Sun | |||
Total Monthly and Annual Sunshine Hours at Rothamsted 1893-2023 | 2024 | |
01 |
Weather data - 30 year means | |||
Rothamsted 30-year mean meteorological data 1961-1990 | 2019 | |
01 |
Rothamsted 30-year mean meteorological data 1971-2000 | 2019 | |
01 |
Rothamsted 30-year mean meteorological data 1981-2010 | 2019 | |
01 |
Rothamsted 30-year mean meteorological data 1991-2020 | 2021 | |
01 |
Weather data - Rainfall | |||
Total Monthly Rainfall at Rothamsted March 1853 - July 2018 | 2018 | |
01 |
Total Annual Rainfall at Rothamsted 1853-2023 | 2024 | |
01 |
Total Monthly Rainfall at Rothamsted March 1853 - December 2023 | 2024 | |
02 |
Mean monthly rainfall at Rothamsted October 1985-September 2017 | 2020 | |
01 |
Weather data - Temperature | |||
Annual Mean Air Temperature at Rothamsted 1878-2023 | 2024 | |
03 |
Annual Mean Air Temperature at Rothamsted 1878-2019 | 2020 | |
02 |
Annual Mean Air Temperature Anomaly at Rothamsted 1878-2019 | 2020 | |
01 |
Mean monthly temperature at Rothamsted October 1985-September 2017 | 2020 | |
01 |
Monthly Mean Average Air Temperature at Rothamsted 1878-2023 | 2024 | |
01 |
Annual Mean Air Temperature at Rothamsted 1878-2013 | 2017 | |
01 |
January 2025: January was sunny and cool with around average rainfall.
Rainfall was around average with 74.5 mm (+0.45 mm). We had 17 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain and 6 had more than 5.0 mm. The most on one day was 16.0 mm recorded on the 5th.
Sunshine was above average with 66.3 hours (+2.43 hours); the most was 6.6 hours on the 30th. We had 11 days with no sunshine.
January’s mean maximum and minimum temperatures were below average with 5.8 °C (-1.27 ° C) and 0.3 ° C(-1.32 °C) respectively. The warmest day reached 11.8 °C on the 5th and the coldest temperature was -5.3 °C on the 10th.
We had 13 air frosts and 22 ground frosts of which six were below -6.0 °C.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
2024 had above average rainfall with 992.5 mm recorded (+228.97 mm above average) making it the third wettest since records began. It rained (0.2 mm or more) on 204 days. The most on one day was 60.7 mm on May 21st. The wettest month was September with 185.2 mm (+127.51 mm above average). There were three months that had over 100 mm of rainfall with the other two being February (130.0 mm; +73.03 mm above average) and May (114.8 mm; +61.54 mm above average). The driest month was June with 21.5 mm. Of the twelve months six had above average and six had below average rainfall. Precipitation fell as snow on 19th November and the 4th of December.
2024 was a dull year with 1573.7 hours of sunshine (-78.87 hours below the annual average). June was the ‘sunniest’ month with 241.4 hours. Of the twelve months nine had below average sunshine. Only January, June and August had above average sunshine.
The overall mean air temperature for the year was above average at 11.0 °C (The annual average is 10.23 °C). This makes 2024 the fifth warmest year since our records began in 1878. The mean maximum air temperature and mean minimum air temperature were above average at 14.6 °C (+0.61 °C) and 7.3 deg;C (+0.97 °C) respectively. The hottest day was August 12th reaching 31.8 °C. The coldest night was January 17th which dropped to -5.2 °C.
We had 23 air frosts and 64 ground frosts, of which 8 were below -6 °C.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
Rainfall was 68.1 mm, which is 7.5 mm below average. We had 21 days where at least 0.2 mm of rain was recorded, 5 of these with at least 5 mm. The most was 14.5 mm on the 8th. Precipitation fell as snow overnight of 4th/ 5th December before turning back to rain later.
Sunshine was 34.7 hrs, which is 26.12 hrs below average. The most sunshine was 4.9 hours on the 6th. We had 10 days with no sunshine recorded.
December had above average mean maximum and minimum temperatures with 8.6 °C (+1.22 °C) and 4.3 °C (+2.33 °C) respectively. The highest maximum temperature was 13.2 °C on the 18th and the lowest minimum was -0.5 °C on the 20th.
There were 0 ground frosts and 4 air frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
Rainfall was 66.7 mm which is 14.55 mm below average. We had 14 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, and 4 days with over 5 mm. The most was 16.6 mm on the 23rd.
Sunshine was below average with 58.7 hours (-13.49 hours); the most was 6.4 hours on the 29th. There were 10 days without sunshine.
The mean maximum air temperature was below average with 9.8 °C (-0.26 °C) and the mean minimum air temperature was above average with 4.7 °C (+0.41 °C). The highest maximum was 16.1 °C on the 24th and the lowest minimum was -2.0 °C on the 21st.
We had 6 air frosts and 12 ground frosts of which 2 were below -6.0 °C
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
Rainfall was 62.0 mm which is 19.31 mm below average. We had 27 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain and 4 with over 5.0 mm. The greatest rainfall was 14.3 mm which fell on the 1st.
Sunshine was below average with 98.9 hrs (-14.13 hrs); the most was 9.0 hours on the 11th. There were 4 days without sunshine.
The mean maximum and minimum temperatures were above average with 14.9 °C (+0.60 °C) and 8.0 °C (+0.48 °C) respectively. The highest temperature was 20.4 °C on the 16th and the lowest was 0.3 °C on the 11th.
There were 5 ground frosts and 0 air frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
Rainfall was 185.2 mm, which is 127.51 mm above average and approximately 3 times the monthly average. We had 18 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain and 9 days with over 5 mm. The most was 50.1 mm on the 22nd, 7.6 mm less than the monthly average. This September was the 2nd wettest on record (the highest was 194.5 mm, 1896).
Sunshine was 126.7 hrs which is 23.95 hrs below average. There was sunshine on every day and the most recorded was 11.1 hours on the 14th.
The mean maximum and minimum air temperatures were above average at 18.6 °C (+0.02 °C) and 10.8 °C (+0.61 °C) respectively. The highest (daytime) temperature was 28.3 ºC on the 1st. The lowest (night) temperature was 3.1 ºC on the 29th.
There were 4 ground frosts recorded.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
Rainfall was below average with 23.2 mm (-48.83 mm). We had 12 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, of which 2 days had more than 5.0 mm; the most was 8.4 mm on the 24th.
The mean maximum and minimum air temperatures were above average with 22.5 ºC (+0.87 °C) and 12.7 ºC (+0.44 °C) respectively. The highest temperature was 31.8 ºC on the 12th. The lowest temperature was 7.9 ºC on the 25th.
Sunshine was above average with 211.5 hours (+22.15 hours). There were 0 days without sun and the sunniest day was the 16th with 12.1 hours.
There were no frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
July 2024: July started very wet turning drier in the second half of month, with temperatures and sunshine below average.
Rainfall was 91.0 mm, which is 35.56 mm above average. Approximately three quarters of the total rainfall (67 mm) fell in the first nine days. We had 12 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain and 4 days with more than 5 mm. The greatest rainfall was 39.8 mm recorded on the 5th.
The average maximum and minimum air temperatures were below average at 21.5 °C (-0.45 °C) and 11.9 °C (-0.46 °C) respectively. The hottest day was the 19th reaching 29.6 ºC. The lowest minimum air temperature was 7.1 ºC on the 7th.
Sunshine was below average with 205.0 hrs (-1.85 hours). The most was 13.4 hours on the 29th and there were no days when the sun didn’t shine.
We had no air or ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
June 2024: June was drier, sunnier and cooler than average.
Rainfall was 21.5 mm, which is 33.30 mm below average. We had 10 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, of which 1 day had more than 5.0 mm. The most rainfall in a single day was 7.6 mm collected on the 14th).
The mean maximum air temperature and mean minimum air temperature were below average at 19.4ºC (-0.08 °C) and 9.0 ºC (-1.20 °C) respectively. The hottest day reached 27.5 ºC on the 26th. The coolest night was 4.1 ºC on the 9th.
Sunshine was 241.1 hours, which is 35.58 hours above average. There were 0 days without sun. The most sunshine recorded was 14.2 hours on 2nd.
There were 0 air frosts and 1 ground frost.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
May 2024: May was cloudy, and especially warm and wet.
Rainfall was 114.8 mm, which is 61.54 mm above average. We had 16 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, of which 6 days had more than 5.0 mm. The greatest fall of rain was 60.7 mm on the 21st. May was the 6th wettest May in our records (since 1853).
The mean maximum and minimum temperatures were above average with 17.8 ºC (+1.34 °C) and 9.6 ºC (+2.29 °C) respectively. The highest temperature was 24.9 ºC on the 12th and the lowest temperature was 5.5 ºC on the 5th. The average minimum was the 2nd highest in our records which contributed to it being the warmest May on record (since 1878).
Sunshine was below average with 186.9 hrs. (-16.41 hrs); the most was 13.2 hours on the 11th. There were 3 days without sunshine.
We had 0 air frost and 0 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
April 2024: April was warm and wet with below average sunshine.
Rainfall was 67.4 mm, which is 13.45 mm above average. We had 19 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain with 2 days greater than 5 mm. The wettest day was the 27th with 26.9 mm.
The average maximum air temperature was just below average at 13.3 °C (-0.08 °C) and average minimum air temperature was above average with 6.0 ºC (+1.56 °C). The warmest day was the 12th which reached 20.0 ºC, and the coldest night was on the 25th with 0.7 ºC.
Sunshine was below average with 156.4 hours (-15.66 hours); the most was 9.8 hours on the 18th. There was 1 day without sunshine.
We had 0 air frosts and 4 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
March 2024: March was warm and wet with below average sunshine.
Rainfall was above average with 90.0 mm recorded, (+42.93 mm). We had 19 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, and 8 days with more than 5 mm. The most recorded was 14.6 mm on the 1st.
The mean maximum and minimum temperatures were above average at 11.4°C (+1.18) and 4.8°C (+1.98) respectively. The highest maximum temperature was 16.1°C on the 14th and the lowest minimum was -2.2°C on the 4th. The average minimum was the 4th highest in our records which in turn made the overall average temperature the 4th highest in our records (since 1878).
Sunshine was below average with 106.1 hrs (-22.26); the most recorded was 9.0 hours on the 30th. There were 3 days without sunshine.
We had 2 air frosts and 9 ground frosts of which 1 dropped below -6.0 °C.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
February 2024: February was very warm and wet with below average sunshine.
Rainfall was above average with 130.0 mm (+73.03). We had 21 days with over 0.2 mm, and 7 days with more than 5.0 mm. The greatest rainfall was 26.7 mm on the 8th. This February is the 2nd wettest on record since records began in 1853.
The mean maximum and minimum temperatures were above average with 10.6ºC (+3.07), second highest on record, and 4.7ºC (+3.21), the highest on record, respectively. Making this February the warmest since records began in 1878. The highest maximum was 16.1ºC on the 15th, and the lowest minimum was -2.0ºC on the 25th.
Sunshine was below average with 63.7 hrs. (-22.46). We had 2 days without any sunshine and the most was 7.4 hrs on the 1st.
We had 4 air frosts and 9 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
January 2024: January at Rothamsted was particularly Sunny along with slightly below average rainfall and temperatures.
Rainfall was below average with 72.6 mm (-1.55 mm). We had 15 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain and 5 had more than 5.0 mm. The most on one day was 19.9 mm recorded on the 4th. Precipitation fell as sleet/snow during showers on 8th.
The mean maximum and minimum temperatureswere below average with 7.0°C (-0.06°C) and 1.5 °C (-0.05°C) respectively. The warmest day reached 12.7 °C on the 23rd and the coldest temperature was -5.2°C on the 18th.
Sunshine was above average with 83.6 hours (+19.73 hours); the most was 7.1 hours on the 26th. We had 3 days with no sunshine. January was the 8th sunniest in our records (began 1891).
We had 11 air frosts and 16 ground frosts of which 5 were below -6.0 °.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
Weather Summary for Harpenden, 2023. The year 2023 was warm, wet and sunny.
2023 had above average rainfall with 818.6 mm recorded; the annual average is 763.5 mm. It rained (0.2 mm or more) on 206 days. The most on one day was 34.0 mm on September 20th. The wettest month was March with 117.2 mm. The driest month was February with 5.7 mm. Five months had below average rainfall. Precipitation fell as snow during wintry showers from 7th to 10th March with snow settling on ground for a brief period on 8th March.
The overall mean air temperature for the year was above average at 11.1 °C (The annual average is 10.23 °C). This makes 2023 the third warmest year since our records began in 1878. The mean maximum air temperature was above average at 15.1 ºC (+1.1 °C). The mean minimum air temperature was above average at 7.1 °C (+0.7 °C). The hottest day was on September 9th reaching 30.9 °C. The coldest night was on January 23rd which dropped to -6.6 °C. We had 38 air frosts and 84 ground frosts, of which 21 were below -6 °C.
2023 was a sunny year with 1730.5 hours of sunshine (78.0 hours above the annual average). June was the ‘sunniest’ month with 250.1 hours. Of the twelve months four had below average sunshine which included July and August.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
December 2023: The month of December was wet, warm and sunny.
Rainfall was 101.3 mm, which is 25.7 mm above average. We had 26 days where at least 0.2 mm of rain was recorded, 8 of these with at least 5 mm. The most was 12.7 mm on the 3rd.
The mean maximum and minimum temperatures were above average at 9.4°C (+2.04) and 4.6 °C (+2.62) respectively. The highest maximum temperature was 13.8 °C on the 24th and the lowest minimum was -3.4 °C on the 3rd.
Sunshine was 37.6 hrs, which is 23.22 hrs below average. The most sunshine was 5.2 hours on the 6th. We had 12 days with no sunshine recorded.
We had 5 air frosts and 10 ground frosts, of which 1 was below -6 °C.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
November 2023: November was mainly warm, except for last week of month when it turned colder, sunnier and drier than average.
Rainfall was 75.6 mm which is 5.56 mm below average. We had 21 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, and 5 days with over 5 mm. The most was 16.6 mm on the 1st.
The mean maximum air temperature was above average with 10.3 °C (+0.19 °C) and the mean minimum air temperature was below average with 4.0 °C (-0.29 °C). The highest maximum was 15.2 °C on the 13th and the lowest minimum was -3.2 °C on the 30th.
Sunshine was above average with 85.4 hours (+13.20 hours); the most was 7.3 hours on the 6th. There were 2 days without sunshine.
We had 5 air frosts and 12 ground frosts of which 1 was below -6.0 °C.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
October 2023: The month of October was wet, warm and sunny.
Rainfall was 117.2 mm, which is 43.18 mm above average. We had 17 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain and 6 days with over 5 mm. The most was 26.4 mm on the 13th.
The mean maximum and minimum air temperatures were above average at 17.0 °C (+2.32°C) and 8.8°C (+1.54 °C) respectively. The highest (daytime) temperature was 25.2 ºC on the 9th. The lowest (night) temperature was -1.3 ºC on the 16th.
Sunshine was 127.2 hrs which is 16.68 hrs above average. There were 3 days without sunshine and the most recorded was 8.8 hours on the 15th.
There were 5 ground frosts and 1 air frost recorded.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
September 2023: The month of September was very warm and sunny with slightly above average rainfall.
Rainfall was 60.3 mm, which is 2.53 mm above average. We had 11 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain and 3 days with over 5 mm. The most was 34.0 mm on the 20th.
The mean maximum and minimum air temperatures were above average at 22.5 °C (+3.98 °C) and 13.0 °C (+2.79 °C) respectively. The highest (daytime) temperature was 30.9 ºC on the 9th, the fourth highest on record. The lowest (night) temperature was 7.8 ºC on the 30th, also the fourth highest on record. The mean maximum air temperature and the mean minimum air temperatures were the highest and second highest, respectively, since records began in 1878. Resulting in the warmest September on record with a daily mean air temperature of 17.7°C.
Sunshine was 181.6 hrs which is 30.92 hrs above average. There was sunshine on every day and the most recorded was 11.3 hours on the 5th.
There were no air frosts and no ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
August 2023: August was mainly dry with below average sunshine and air temperature.
Rainfall was below average with 50.5 mm (-21.49 mm). We had 16 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, of which 3 days had more than 5.0 mm; the most was 9.7 mm on the 2nd.
The mean maximum and minimum air temperatures were below average with 21.2 ºC (-0.45 °C) and 12.2 ºC (-0.07 °C) respectively. The highest temperature was 25.3 ºC on the 10th. The lowest temperature was 9.1 ºC on the 31st.
Sunshine was below average with 182.9 hours (-6.51 hours). There were 0 days without sun and the sunniest day was the 10th with 11.9 hours.
There were no air frosts and no ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
July 2023: July was was cool, wet and particularly overcast.
Rainfall was 97.8 mm, which is 42.31 mm above average. We had 21 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain and 5 days with more than 5 mm. The greatest rainfall was 19.0 mm recorded on the 14th.
The average maximum and minimum air temperatures were below average at 20.9 °C (-1.10 °C) and 12.2 °C (-0.11 °C) respectively. The hottest day was the 7th reaching 28.2 ºC. The lowest minimum air temperature was 8.3 ºC on the 6th.
Sunshine was below average with 181.3 hrs (-25.49 hours). The most was 14.1 hours on the 7th and there was only 1 day when the sun didn’t shine.
There were no air frosts and no ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
June 2023: June was warmer, drier and sunnier than average.
Rainfall was 16.0 mm, which is 38.86 mm below average. We had 7 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, of which 1 day had more than 5.0 mm. The most rainfall in a single day was 8.7 mm collected on the 28th).
The mean maximum air temperature and mean minimum air temperature were above average at 23.3ºC (+3.78 °C) and 11.2 ºC (+1.02 °C) respectively. The hottest day reached 29.8 ºC on the 25th. The coolest night was 6.6ºC on the 3rd. The mean daily air temperature of 17.3°C for June was the warmest on record.
Sunshine was 250.1 hours, which is 44.32 hours above average. There were 0 days without sun.
There were 0 air frosts and 0 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
May 2023: May was warmer and drier than average with above average sunshine.
Rainfall was 48.9 mm, which is 4.38 mm below average. We had 11 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, of which 4 days had more than 5.0 mm. The greatest fall of rain was 14.5 mm on the 8th).
The mean maximum and minimum temperatures were above average at 16.6 ºC (+0.07 °C) and 7.7 ºC (+0.40 °C) respectively. The highest temperature was 20.7 ºC on the 28th and the lowest temperature was 2.9 ºC on the 3rd.
Sunshine was above average with 211.6 hrs. (+8.25 hrs); the most was 13.1 hours on the 26th. There was 1 day without sunshine.
We had 0 air frost and 5 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
April 2023: April was sunny but wet with below average temperatures.
Rainfall was 65.0 mm, which is 11.05 mm above average. We had 16 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain. The wettest day was the 12th with 9.7 mm which fell partly as hail and was part of an afternoon thunderstorm).
The average maximum and minimum temperatures were below average with 13.0 ºC (-0.41°C) and 4.0 °C (-0.47°C) respectively. The warmest day was the 29th which reached 17.7 ºC, and the coldest night was on the 4th when it dropped to -1.8 ºC.
Sunshine was above average with 176.3 hours (+4.24 hours); the most was 11.5 hours on the 4th and there were zero days without sunshine.
We had 1 air frost and 12 ground frosts of which 1 day dropped to below -6.0 °C.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
March 2023: March was very wet with below average sunshine and slightly above average temperatures.
Rainfall was above average with 117.2 mm recorded, (+70.09 mm). We had 25 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, and 7 days with more than 5 mm. The most recorded was 17.8 mm on the 31st. March 2023 is notable as the 4th wettest March in our records (since 1853).
The mean maximum temperature was below average at 9.8ºC (-0.45) and the mean minimum was above average at 3.7ºC (+0.82) respectively. The highest maximum temperature was 15.0ºC on the 30th and the lowest minimum was -4.0ºC on the 11th.
Sunshine was below average with 89.9 hrs (-38.49); the most recorded was 7.8 hours on the 2nd. There were 3 days without sunshine.
We had 5 air frosts and 11 ground frosts of which 3 days were below -6.0 °C.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
February 2023: February was warm and especially dry, with above average sunshine.
Rainfall was below average with 5.7 mm (-51.29). We had 11 days with over 0.2 mm, and 0 days with more than 5.0 mm. The greatest rainfall was 2.0 mm on the 22nd. This February is the 6th driest on record since records began in 1853.
The mean maximum and mean minimum temperatures were above average with 9.6ºC (+2.04) and 2.2ºC (+0.69) respectively. The highest maximum was 14.5ºC on the 17th, and the lowest minimum was -5.8ºC on the 8th.
Sunshine was above average with 110.3 hrs. (+24.16). We had 4 days without any sunshine and the most was 8.0 hrs on the 13th.
We had 10 air frosts and 13 ground frosts of which 6 were below -6.0 º.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
January 2023: January was warm, wet and especially sunny.
Rainfall was above average with 79.6 mm (+5.47 mm). We had 22 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain and 5 had more than 5.0 mm. The most on one day was 11.9 mm recorded on the 11th.
January’s mean maximum and minimum temperatures were above average with 8.0 ºC (+0.94 ºC) and 1.3 ºC (-0.30ºC) respectively. The warmest day reached 12.5 ºC on the 4th and the coldest temperature was -6.6 ºC on the 23rd.
Sunshine was well above average with 88.1 hours (+24.21 hours); the most was 6.8 hours on the 21st. We had 3 days with no sunshine. January was the 3rd sunniest in our records (began 1891).
We had 11 air frosts and 17 ground frosts of which 9 were below -6.0 °C.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
Weather Summary for Harpenden, 2022: The year 2022 was warm, dry and very sunny.
2022 had below average rainfall with 666.7 mm recorded; the annual average is 763.5 mm. It rained (0.2 mm or more) on 167 days. The most on one day was 30.7 mm on 23rd of October. The wettest month was November with 131.7mm. The driest month was July with 11.7 mm. Of the twelve months, eight had below average rainfall. Some of the recorded rainfall fell as snow and some as hail with hail being observed on the 23rd of November. There was very little snow of note during the first part of the year and not enough to settle. But in December there was a significant snowfall overnight on the 11th/12th and due to the freezing temperatures at that time, this remained for 7 days.
The overall mean air temperature for the year was above average at 11.2 ºC (The annual average is 10.2 ºC). This makes 2022 the joint warmest year, with 2014, since our records began in 1878. The mean maximum air temperature was above average at 15.5 ºC (+1.5 ºC). The mean minimum air temperature was above average at 6.9 ºC (+0.5 ºC). The hottest day was the 19th of July reaching 38.4 ºC which is the highest maximum temperature recorded at Rothamsted (since 1878). The coldest night was the 15th of December which dropped to -9.0 ºC.
2022 was a very sunny year with 1912.5 hours of sunshine (259.9 hours above the annual average). This makes 2022 the second sunniest year on record with 2020 being the sunniest. July was the ‘sunniest’ month with 254.5 hours. Of the twelve months only May and September had below average sunshine.
We had 36 air frosts and 109 ground frosts, of which 16 were below -6 ºC.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
December 2022: December was relatively cool, dry and sunny. There was a period of freezing temperatures from the 7th to the 19th along with snow fall on the night of the 11th which settled and lasted for 7 days.
Rainfall was 67.9 mm, which is 7.7 mm below average. We had 16 days where at least 0.2 mm of rain was recorded, 6 of these with at least 5 mm. The most was 10.7 mm on the 31st.
December had below average mean maximum and minimum temperatures with 6.4 ºC (-0.97) and 0.1ºC (-1.90) respectively. The highest maximum temperature was 12.6 ºC on the 30th and the lowest minimum was -9 ºC on the 15th.
Sunshine was 10.58 hrs above average with 71.4 hrs. The most sunshine was 6 hours on the 8th. We had 8 days with no sunshine recorded.
We had 13 air frosts and 21 ground frosts, of which 4 were below -6 °C.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
November 2022: November was sunny, wet and warm.
Rainfall was 131.7 mm which is 50.46 mm above average. We had 24 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, and 7 days with over 5 mm. The most was 24.6 mm on the 2nd. Hail was observed on morning of 23rd.
The maximum and minimum mean air temperatures were both above average with 11.8 ºC (+1.69 ºC) and 6.5 ºC (+2.24 ºC) respectively. The warmest day reached 15.4 ºC on the 12th and the lowest minimum was 1.1 ºC on the 21st.
Sunshine was above average with 77.0 hours (+4.77 hours); the most was 6.6 hours on the 4th. There were 4 days without sunshine.
There were 5 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
October 2022: October was particularly warm and sunny, with above average rainfall. Most of the rain fell during the second half of the month with the wettest day being accompanied by a thunderstorm on the night of the 23rd.
Rainfall was 101.0 mm which is 19.68 mm above average. We had 18 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain and 7 with over 5.0 mm. The greatest fall was 30.7 mm which fell on the 23rd.
The mean maximum and minimum temperatures were above average with 16.8 ºC (+2.51) and 9.2 ºC (+1.62) respectively. The highest temperature was 21.0 ºC on the 29th and the lowest was 2.6 ºC on the 11th. It was the 5th warmest October since our temperature records began in 1878.
Sunshine was above average with 147.6 hrs (average for October is 113.0); the most was 9.3 hours on the 8th. There were no days without sunshine and October ranked as 7th sunniest since our records began in 1890.
There were 5 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
September 2022: The month of September was relatively cloudy and wet with close to average air temperatures.
Rainfall was 77.9 mm, which is 20.14 mm above average. We had 16 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain and 5 days with over 5 mm. The most was 14.3 mm on the 30th.
The mean maximum temperature was below average at 18.5 ºC (-0.05 ºC) and the mean minimum was above average at 10.6 ºC (+0.42 ºC). The highest (daytime) temperature was 24.7 ºC on the 12th. The lowest (night) temperature was 4.5 ºC on the 29th.
Sunshine was 127 hrs which is 23.73 hrs below average. There was sunshine on every day and the most recorded was 11.1 hours on the 17th.
There were 4 ground frosts recordeds.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
August 2022: August was mainly dry, sunny and the warmest August on record.
Rainfall was below average with 41.4 mm (-30.58 mm). We had 5 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, of which 2 days had more than 5.0 mm; the most was 21.6 mm on the 24th.
The mean maximum and minimum air temperatures were above average with 25.2 ºC (+3.55 ºC), highest on record, and 13.9 ºC (+1.62 ºC) respectively. The highest temperature was 32.3 ºC on the 13th. The lowest temperature was 8.9 ºC on the 7th.
Sunshine was above average with 245.6 hours (+56.19 hours). There were 0 days without sun and the sunniest day was the 7th with 13.3 hours.
There were no frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
July 2022: The month of July was very warm, dry and sunny.
Rainfall was 11.7 mm, which is 43.74 mm below average. We had 5 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain with 1 day having more than 5 mm. The greatest rainfall was 5.5 mm recorded on the 20th.
The average maximum and minimum air temperatures were above average at 24.9 ºC (+2.93 ºC) and 13.1 ºC (+0.79 ºC) respectively. The hottest day was the 19th reaching 38.4 ºC. This is the highest maximum temperature recorded since records began in 1878. Previous record was 36.7 ºC on 25th July 2019. The lowest minimum air temperature was 8.3 ºC on the 5th.
Sunshine was above average with 254.5 hrs (+47.68 hours). The most was 14.2 hours on the 10th and there was 0 days where no sunshine was recorded.
We had no air or ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
June 2022: June was warmer, drier and sunnier than average.
Rainfall was 43.8 mm, which is 10.99 mm below average. We had 13 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, of which 3 days had more than 5.0 mm. The most rainfall in a single day was 19.2 mm collected on the 4th.
The mean maximum air temperature was above average at 20.8 ºC (+1.29 ºC). The mean minimum air temperature was below average at 10.0 ºC (-0.20 ºC). The hottest day reached 30.7 ºC on the 17th. The coolest night was 5.1 ºC on the 2nd.
Sunshine was 253.6 hours, which is 47.85 hours above average. There was 1 day without sun.
There were 0 air frosts and 2 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
May 2022: May was warmer and drier than average with just below average sunshine.
Rainfall was 33.9 mm, which is 19.33 mm below average. We had 14 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, of which 1 day had more than 1.0 mm. The greatest fall of rain was 5.3 mm on the 30th of May.
The average maximum and minimum temperatures were above average at 17.9 ºC (+1.42 ºC) and 8.4 ºC (+1.06 ºC) respectively. The highest (max) temperature was 24.6 ºC on the 17th and the lowest (min) temperature was 3.3ºC on the night of the 9th.
Sunshine was below average with 195.1 hrs. (-8.24 hrs); the most was 12.8 hours on the 27th. There were 0 days without sunshine.
We had 0 air frost and 4 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
April 2022: April was sunny and dry along with close to average temperatures.
Rainfall was 20.8 mm, which is 33.19 mm below average. We had 8 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain. The wettest day was the 6th with 9.3 mm.
The average maximum temperature was above average at 14.2 ºC (+0.78ºC); while the average minimum was below average at 4.1 ºC (-0.41ºC). The warmest day was the 15th which reached 21.2 ºC, and the coldest night was on the 3rd when it dropped to -3.0ºC.
Sunshine was above average with 197.5 hours (+25.44 hours); the most was 12.0 hours on the 21st and there were 2 days without sunshine..
We had 5 air frosts and 15 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
March 2022: March was especially sunny along with above average temperatures and below average rainfall. There were wintery showers during a cold spell at the end of the month.
Rainfall was below average with 34.1 mm recorded, (-12.93 mm). We had 13 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, and 2 days with more than 5 mm. The most recorded was 14.7 mm on the 16th. There were snow and hail showers throughout the 31st.
The mean maximum and minimum temperatures were above average with 11.8ºC (+1.50) and 3.4ºC (+0.58) respectively. The highest maximum temperature was 18.7ºC on the 23rdand the lowest minimum was -2.0ºC on the 21st.
Sunshine was above average with 167.0 hrs (+38.58); the most recorded was 11 hours on the 26th. There were 5 days without sunshine.
We had 3 air frosts and 16 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
February 2022: February was relatively warm and wet and had above average sunshine.
Rainfall was above average with 79.0 mm (+22.04). We had 19 days with over 0.2 mm, and 7 days with more than 5.0 mm. The greatest rainfall was 13.9 mm on the 13th. Precipitation fell as sleet and snow on the 4th and there were sleet, snow, and hail showers on 24th.
The mean maximum and the mean minimum temperatures were above average with 9.9 ºC (+2.36) and 3.0 ºC (+1.50) respectively. The lowest minimum was -0.6 ºC on the 26th, and the highest maximum was 14.1 ºC on the 24th. February 2022 was the 8th warmest February since our records began in 1878.
Sunshine was above average with 90.0 hrs. (+3.82). We had 3 days without any sunshine and the most was 9.3 hrs on the 27th.
We had 2 air frosts and 14 ground frosts of which 2 were below -6.0 ºC.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
January 2022: January was especially dry and sunny with close to the average temperatures.
Rainfall was well below average with 23.4 mm (-50.69 mm). We had 16 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain and 2 had more than 5.0 mm. The most on one day was 6.5 mm recorded on the 2nd.
The mean maximum temperature was above average at 7.6 ºC (+0.53 ºC) and the minimum was below average at 0.8 ºC (-0.74 ºC). The warmest day reached 13.6 ºC on the 1st and the coldest temperature was -5.0 ºC on the 6th.
Sunshine was well above average with 86.3 hours (+22.40 hours); the most was 7.3 hours on the 31st. We had 7 days with no sunshine. January was the 5th sunniest in our records (began 1891).
We had 13 air frosts and 19 ground frosts of which 7 were below -6.0 ºC.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
December 2021: December was warm for the time of year with above average rainfall and below average sunshine.
Rainfall was 76.2 mm, which is 0.58 mm above average. We had 24 days where at least 0.2 mm of rain was recorded, 5 of these with at least 5 mm. The most was 20.8 mm on the 24h.
There were above average mean maximum and minimum temperatures. The mean maximum was 8.6 ºC (+1.16) and the mean minimum was 3.9ºC (+1.94). The highest maximum temperature was 14.2ºC on the 29th and the lowest minimum was -2.5ºC on the 22nd.
Sunshine was below average with 23.5 hrs which is 37.31 hrs below average. The most sunshine was 5.8 hours on the 2nd. We had 14 days with no sunshine recorded.
We had 5 air frosts and 9 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
November 2021: November was sunny, cold and noticeably dry.
Rainfall was 19.2 mm which is 62.02 mm below average. We had 16 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, and 1 day with over 5 mm. The most was 6.7 mm on the 26th. Precipitation fell as snow on 28th.
The maximum and minimum mean air temperatures were both below average with 10.0 ºC (-0.07 ºC) and 3.9 ºC (-0.37 ºC) respectively. The warmest day reached 14.7 ºC on the 9th and the lowest minimum was -2.6 ºC on the 29th.
Sunshine was above average with 82.1 hours (+9.89 hours); the most was 7.7 hours on the 1st. There were 5 days without sunshine.
There were four ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
October 2021: October was relatively cloudy, mild and wet for the time of year.
Rainfall was 104.8 mm which is 23.51 mm above average. We had 17 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain and 6 with over 5.0 mm. The greatest rainfall was 23.0 mm which fell on the 20th.
The October mean maximum and minimum temperatures were above average with 15.2 ºC (+0.94) and 8.6 ºC (+1.01) respectively. The highest temperature was 19.3 ºC on the 19th and the lowest was 3.7 ºC on the 22nd.
Sunshine was below average with 95.1 hrs (-17.97 hours); the most was 7.9 hours on the 6th. There was 1 day without sunshine.
There were four ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
September 2021: The month of September was warm and dull with below average rainfall.
Rainfall was 54.1 mm, which is 3.60 mm below average. We had 11 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain and 4 days with over 5 mm. The most was 24.2 mm on the 28th.
The mean maximum The mean maximum and minimum temperatures were above average at 20.6 ºC (+2.08 ºC) and 11.5 ºC (+1.32 ºC) respectively. The highest (daytime) temperature was 27.9 ºC on the 7th. The lowest (night) temperature was 4.6 ºC on the 30th.
Sunshine was 136.2 hrs which is 14.46 hrs below average. There was 1 day without sunshine and the most recorded was 11.7 hours on the 7th.
There were no frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
August 2021: August was cool, dry and dull with below average temperature, rainfall and sunshine.
Rainfall was below average with 37.0 mm (-34.99 mm). We had 13 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, of which 3 days had more than 5.0 mm; the most was 16.8 mm on the 21st.
The mean maximum air temperature was below average with 19.9 ºC (-1.69 ºC) and the mean minimum air temperature was just above average with 12.3 ºC (+0.02 ºC). The highest temperature was 23.3 ºC on the 14th. The lowest temperature was 8.1 ºC on the 29th.
Sunshine was below average with 114.2 hours (-75.21 hours). There were two days without sun and the sunniest day was the 4th with 9.4 hours.
There were no frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
July 2021: July 2021 was warm, relatively dry and dull.
Rainfall was 51.0 mm, which is 4.46 mm below average. We had 17 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain with 2 days having more than 5 mm. The greatest rainfall was 21.4 mm recorded on the 5th.
Sunshine was below average with 195.6 hrs (-11.18 hours). The most was 14.4 hours on the 16th and there was 0 days where no sunshine was recorded.
The average maximum air temperature was 22.3 ºC (+0.29 ºC) and the average minimum air temperature was 13.4 ºC (+1.04 ºC). The warmest day reached 29.5 ºC on the 20th. The lowest minimum air temperature was 10.0 ºC on the 16th.
There were no frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
June 2021: June 2021 was warm, wet and relatively cloudy.
Rainfall was 77.6 mm, which is 22.78 mm above average. We had 11 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, of which 5 days had more than 5.0 mm. The most rainfall in a single day was 23.6 mm collected on the 18th.
Sunshine was 184.7 hours, which is 21.09 below average.
The mean maximum and minimum temperatures were both above average with 20.3ºC (+0.77ºC) and 11.8 ºC (+1.62ºC) respectively. The hottest day reached 26.2ºC on the 13th. The coolest night dropped to 5.1ºC on the 23rd. The June 2021 average air temperature was the 8th warmest in our records (started 1878).
There were no frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
May 2021: May was a cold, dull and wet month with below average temperatures and sunshine hours, and above average rainfall.
Rainfall was 94.4 mm, which is 41.14 mm above average. We had 24 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, of which 9 days had more than 1.0 mm. The greatest fall of rain was 11.2 mm on the 21st of May.
Sunshine was below average with 150.4 hrs. (-52.92 hrs); the most was 10.1 hours on the 31st. There was one day without sunshine.
The average maximum and minimum temperatures were below average at 14.7ºC (-1.78ºC) and 6.2ºC (-1.10ºC). The highest (max) temperature was 22.3 ºC on the 31st and the lowest (min) temperature was 0.2ºC on the night of the 6th.
We had 0 air frosts and 10 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
April 2021: April was sunny, cold, and mainly dry.
Rainfall was 1.6 mm which is 52.40 mm below average. We had 4 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain. The wettest day was the 9th with 1.0 mm. April was the driest since records began in 1853.
Sunshine was above average with 215.8 hours (+43.79 hours); the most was 12.9 hours on the 22nd and there was only 1 day without sunshine.
The average maximum and minimum temperatures were below average at 11.5ºC (-1.84ºC) and 1.1ºC (-3.36ºC). The warmest day was the 19th which reached 16.2ºC, and the coldest night was on the 7th when it dropped to -3.0ºC.
We had 11 air frosts and 22 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
March 2021: March was relatively warm and cloudy with below average rainfall.
Rainfall was below average with 27.6 mm recorded, (-19.47 mm). We had 13 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, and 1 day with more than 5 mm. The most recorded was 5.0 mm on the 10th.
Sunshine was below average with 112.0 hrs (-16.36); the most recorded was 10.9 hours on the 30th. There were 2 days without sunshine.
The mean maximum and minimum temperatures were above average with 10.7ºC (+0.42) and 3.5ºC (+0.62) respectively. The highest maximum temperature was 22.5ºC on the 30th and the lowest minimum was -1ºC on the 6th.
We had 1 air frost and 18 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
February 2021: February was warm with below average sunshine and rain with some snow.
Rainfall was below average with 45.8 mm (-11.15 mm). We had 15 days with over 0.2 mm, and 4 days with more than 5.0 mm. The greatest rainfall was 9.0 mm on the 4th. Precipitation fell as snow on 8th with a very slight flurry on afternoon of 10th.
Sunshine was below average with 80.8 hrs. (-5.38 hrs). We had 3 days without any sunshine and the most was 9.1 hrs on the 26th.
The mean maximum and the mean minimum temperatures were above average with 8.1 ºC (+0.56ºC) and 2.2ºC (+0.73ºC) respectively. The lowest minimum was -4.9ºC on the 11th, and the highest maximum was 16.0ºC on the 24th.
We had 8 air frosts and 14 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
January 2021: January was cold, wet and had below average sunshine.
Rainfall was above average with 113.6 mm (+39.48 mm). We had 23 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain and 10 had more than 5.0 mm. The most on one day was 25.6 mm on the 13th. Snow fell and settled on 24th.
Sunshine was below average with 52.0 hours (-11.91 hours); the most was 7.0 hours on the 25th. We had 9 days with no sunshine.
January’s mean maximum and minimum temperatures were below average at 5.8ºC (-1.20ºC) and 0.4ºC (-1.22ºC) respectively. The highest day temperature was 11.7ºC on the 28th and the lowest minimum was -4.9ºC on the 25th.
We had 17 air frosts and 18 ground frosts.
Note: The average refers to the 30 year means 1991-2020.
The UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) monitoring, data and research to understand environmental change.
ECN at Rothamsted Real-time measurement of weather variables shown by charts
The Cosmic-Ray Soil Moisture Observing System UK (COSMOS-UK) is a network that delivers real-time weather monitoring and field scale measurements of soil moisture.
The Met Office provide weather and climate change forecasts for the UK and worldwide.
Met Office Climate Maps and Data holds the nation's weather and climate records.
Met Office Historic Station Data for a time series of monthly data.
Lightning maps provides real time thunder and lightning maps.
Weather Radar provides live weather maps.
Weather Pro provides live weather maps.
For further information and assistance, please contact the e-RA curators, Sarah Perryman and Margaret Glendining using the e-RA email address: