e-RAsearch - Keyword search

    • Keyword: bacterial-genomes
    • Schema: AGROVOC
    • Identifier: c_17c11d03

    e-RAsearch: bacterial genomes

    Use the search field or the cloud to retrieve datasets - curated keywords

    Datasets for keyword bacterial genomes

    Keyword Cloud

    acid strip air temperature arable farming arable soils bacterial genomes bare fallow barley biogeochemical cycle botanical composition Broadbalk wilderness experiment calcium climate climate change compost copper crop rotation crop yield cropping system ecological metagenomes ecological succession Exhaustion land long-term experiment experimental design farmyard manure fertilizer field beans fish meal flora Fosters ley-arable rotation experiment functional genomics Fusarium spp Geescroft Wilderness experiment grain yield hay herbicides Highfield bare fallow experiment Highfield ley-arable rotation experiment iron ley farming leys liming magnesium maize manganese meteorological factors meteorological station microbial ecology micronutrient mineral content minimum tillage nitrogen nitrogen content nitrogen fertilizers oats pathogenic fungi peat permanent grassland phenology phosphorous phosphorus fertilizers plant available phosphorus Plant footrot plant fungal diseases plant population potassium potassium fertilizers potatoes poultry manure precipitation rain rainfall patterns red clover residual effects runoff selenium soil soil ammonium concentration soil biology soil bulk density soil erosion soil exchangeable calcium concentration soil exchangeable potassium concentration soil fertility soil microbiome soil microorganisms soil moisture content soil nitrate concentration soil organic carbon soil organic matter soil pH soil temperature soil total nitrogen concentration sown pastures species diversity statistical data statistics straw sugarbeet sulphur sun sunshine recorders temperature thermometer tillage erosion trace elements weather weather data weeds wheat wind speed winter wheat Woburn Continuous Barley experiment Woburn Continuous Wheat experiment Woburn Ley-arable experiment woodland zinc
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    For further information and assistance, please contact the e-RA curators, Sarah Perryman and Margaret Glendining using the e-RA email address: era@rothamsted.ac.uk