The Woburn site

Part of site woburn


  • Address: Husborne Crawley, Woburn, Bedfordshire
  • Longitude: 52.02 N
  • Latitude: 0.62 W
  • Altitude (m asl: 79-110m
  • Plans: Woburn soil and field maps

For detailed information about the soil types at Woburn Farm, see Catt et al (1975, 1977 and 1980):

  • Catt, J. A. , King, D. W. and Weir, A. H. (1975) "The Soils of Woburn Experimental Farm. I. Great Hill, Road Piece and Butt Close", Rothamsted Experimental Station Report for 1974, 5-28
  • Catt, J. A. , Weir, A. H. , King, D. W. , Le Riche, H. H. , Pruden, G. and Norrish, R. E. (1977) "The Soils of Woburn Experimental Station. II. Lansome, White Horse and School Fields. ", Rothamsted Experimental Station Report for 1976, Part 2, 5-32
  • Catt, J. A. , Weir, A. H. , Norrish, R. E. , Rayner, J. H. , King, D. W. , Hall, D. G. M. and Murphy, C. P. (1980) "The soils of Woburn Experimental Farm. III. Stackyard", Rothamsted Experimental Station Report for 1979, Part 2, 5-39

Maps, revised legend and images provided by Dr Chris Watts, 2017.

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