Soil physical properties and site details
Part of experiment
rbk1Broadbalk site and soil physical properties
The Broadbalk wheat experiment, established in the autumn of
1843, has been cultivated since at least 1623, and probably much
earlier (Avery & Bullock, 1969). In his first Rothamsted paper,
published in 1847, Lawes described the soil as "a heavy loam
resting upon chalk, capable of producing good wheat when well
manured" . Here, details are given of the site, the soil
description and standard soil weights.
Site details
- Location: Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2JQ, UK
- Latitude: 51 degrees 48 mins 36 secs North
- Longitude: 0 degrees 22 mins 30 secs West
- GB Grid Reference: TL123 136
- Gradient: A slope of 1 degree, West to East
- Irrigation: There is no irrigation
Plot area
When the experiment was established
in 1843 most of the plots were very large. Most comprised an
‘a’ and ‘b’ half (each 3.77m wide) and were
320m long (the length of the field). Plots 21 and 22 are a little
narrower. In 1894 the two halves were combined, giving a total plot
area of 0.24ha. As the experiment progressed these large plots have
been subdivided into different Sections (see Plans and treatments for more details), with corresponding changes in the area harvested.
The current plot lengths vary depending on the Section and are between
15.24m (Section 0) and 28.04m (Section 1). The plots are now 6m wide
(except plots 21 and 22 which are 4m wide) with 48 rows at 12.5 cm
spacing. The harvested area is 2.1m wide. The harvested area is shown
in most of the datasets.
Soil moisture and drainage
Soil Moisture Characteristics: With nearly 200 plots in the
experiment, there isn't water retention information for all treatments.
Water retention characteristics for contrasting plots can be found in
Salter & Williams (1969). For more recent information, see Gregory et
al, 2010, where retention characteristics have been fitted to the van
Genuchten model.
Soil Drainage: Lawes described the soil of Broadbalk as having
good natural drainage. However, as it was an experimental field, it was
decided to improve the drainage, to allow greater access. Tile drains
were installed under each strip in autumn 1849 (except plot 20). They
were installed in the centre of the strip, under the furrow separating
the 'a' and 'b' halves (see Plan 1852-1925). Tiles drains were
installed under strip 2.1 (2A) in autumn 1884 before the first
application of FYM. Tile drains were 5cm in diameter and 60-76 cm deep,
and they discharged into a 10cm diameter main drain at the east side of
the field.
Lawes and Gilbert realised that the drains could be used to
measure losses of plant nutrients from the different fertilizer
treatments. Small outlet pits were dug at the intersection of each
strip drain and the main drain in December 1866 to sample the water
draining from strips 2 to 16. This was not ideal, as there was the risk
of the samples being contaminated. The drains from strips 17-19 were
opened in November 1878. In spring 1879 the collection of drainage
water was improved, with the drains from each strip discharging into
their own pit, which overflowed into a separate, deepened main drain
which was kept open. In 1897/98 this main drainage ditch was enlarged,
the base concreted and the sides bricked. (Details from Johnston &
Garner, 1969).
Map of 1623 showing field which became the Broadbalk experiment under arable cultivation
Broadbalk spreading chalk in 1954, Section V
Broadbalk 1935, tractor plough
Soil description
- FAO Classification: Chromic Luvisol (or Alisol)
- U.S. Soil Taxonomy: Aquic (or Typic) Paleudalf
- Soil Survey of England & Wales Group: Stagnogleyic
paleo-argillic brown earth (Avery, 1980)
- Soil Survey of England & Wales Series: Predominately Batcombe
Series (Avery & Catt, 1995 - see Soil Map link on left hand side).
For more details of the Batcombe and other soil series, see Cranfield University 2018 Soils Guide.
Soil texture class: Clay loam to silty clay loam over clay-with
flints. The soils contain a large number of flints and are slightly
calcareous. Below about 2m depth the soil becomes chalk. The experiment
is under-drained and the site is free draining.
Soil texture, 0-23cm (from Gregory et al, 2010)
- Sand (2000 - 63 µm) : 25 %
- Silt (63 - 2 µm) : 50 %
- Clay (<2 µm) : 25 %
- Particle density g cm -3 :
2.56 %
There is considerable variation in soil texture across the site, with
clay contents ranging from 19 - 39% (Watts et al, 2006). The
mean clay content for Sections 0 (straw incorporated since 1986) and 1
(straw removed, both continuous wheat) is 28.3% (Watts et al,
2006). Clay content increases with soil depth in the Batcombe Series
(from Jenkinson et al, 2008):
- 23-46 cm : 30 % clay
- 46-69 cm : 50 % clay
- 69-92 cm : 49 % clay
Soil pH: The plough layer (0-23 m) is limed when necessary to
maintain a minimum soil pH of 7.0 - 7.5. Broadbalk was first limed
regularly from 1955-1967, with plots given the larger inputs of
ammonium fertilizers receiving more lime than the controls. Liming
stopped from 1968-1975, but began again in 1976-1992, with 3 or 4
sections being limed each year, with 2.9t/ha of chalk being applied
each autumn to all plots of each section. From 2007 onward selected
plots have been limed every 5-6 years based on soil pH measurements to
maintain top-soil pH around 7.0-7.5. Selected plots were limed in
autumn 2018.
- For information on soil organic carbon, see
Soil Organic Carbon (%SOC) Open Access long-term changes in SOC from
selected treatments, 1843-2015 (doi: 10.23637/KeyRefOABKsoc-02)
- For information on soil concentration of Olsen P
(plant-available P), see
Plant-available P (Olsen P) Open Access long-term changes in Olsen P
from selected treatments, 1843-2010 (doi:10.23637/keyrefoabkolsenp).
Soil weights, Mkg/ha
The following standard soil weights should be used for Broadbalk soil,
both continuous wheat and rotational sections. All weights are in 106
kg/ha of oven-dry fine soil. To convert to g/cm3 divide by depth in cm
(eg 23) and multiply by 10. Data prepared by A J Macdonald and P R
Poulton, February 2014.
Broadbalk standard soil weights 106 kg/ha, 0-23cm
Year |
Inorganic a
Plots 03-20
FYM since 1844 b
Plot 2.2 (2B)
FYM since 1885 b
Plot 2.1 (2A)
FYM 1968-2000 c
Plot 01
- 1843
- 1865
- 1881
- 1884
- 1893
- 1914
- 1967
- 2000
- 2010
- (2.88)
- 2.88
- 2.88
- 2.88
- 2.88
- 2.88
- *
- 2.88
- 2.88
- (2.88)
- 2.78
- 2.69
- *
- 2.62
- 2.60
- *
- 2.52
- 2.52
- *
- *
- *
- (2.88)
- 2.81
- 2.75
- *
- 2.52
- 2.52
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- (2.88)
- 2.52
- (2.63)
Broadbalk standard soil weights 106 kg/ha, 23-46cm
Year |
Plots 03-20 |
Plot 2.2 (2B) |
Plot 2.1 (2A) |
Plot 01 |
- All years
- 3.0
- 3.0
- 3.0
- 3.0
Broadbalk standard soil weights 106 kg/ha, 46-69cm and
Year |
Plots 03-20 |
Plot 2.2 (2B) |
Plot 2.1 (2A) |
Plot 01 |
- All years
- 3.1
- 3.1
- 3.1
- 3.1
Topsoil data is the mean of comprehensive measurements of soil weight
made in 1865, 1881, 1893, 1914 and 2000. Figures in brackets are
assumed. * indicates no samples taken. 23-46cm is the mean of all plots
measured in 1865, 1881, 1893 and 1914. 46-69cm and 69-91cm is the mean
of all plots measured in 1865, 1881 and 1893. See Dyer, 1902 for 1865,
1881 and 1893 data. See Watts et al, 2006 for 2000 data. 1914
data is previously unpublished.
a Plots 03-20, receiving inorganic
fertilizer only, no manure (FYM). This also includes plot 03, given no
fertilizer, and plot 19, recieving rape cake/castor meal.
b Assume no further change in bulk
density/soil weight on plots 2.1 and 2.2 after 2000. However, BD may
increase slightly on plots in rotation as FYM is NOT applied to the
c BD will increase on plot 01 as
applications of FYM stopped in 2000.The increase is assumed to be at
the same rate as the decrease in BD between 1968-2000.
For deeper soil layers, use the following weights, taken from
Dyer, 1902:
Depth cm
Plots |
Soil weight, 106 kg/ha
Soil weight, g/cm3 |
- 91-114
- 114-137
- 137-160
- 160-183
- 183-206
- 206-229
- All plots
- All plots
- All plots
- All plots
- All plots
- All plots
- 3.21
- 3.18
- 3.20
- 3.22
- 3.37
- 3.37
- 1.40
- 1.38
- 1.39
- 1.40
- 1.47
- 1.47
With thanks to Andy Macdonald and Paul Poulton for help with
compiling the information and text.
Key References
- Poulton, P.R. , Johnston, A.E. , Glendining, M.J. , White, R.P. , Gregory, A.S. , Clark, S.J. , Wilmer, W.S. , Macdonald, A.J. and Powlson, D.S.(2024) "The Broadbalk Wheat Experiment, Rothamsted, UK: Crop yields and soil changes during the last 50 years", Advances in Agronomy
DOI: 10.1016/bs.agron.2023.11.003
- Thomas, C.L. , Hernandez-Allica, J. , Dunham, S.J. , McGrath, S.P. and Haefele, S.M.(2021) "A comparison of soil texture measurements using mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIRS) and laser diffraction analysis (LDA) in diverse soils", Scientific Reports, 11, 16
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-79618-y
- Suravi, K.N. , Attenborough, K. , Taherzadeh, S. , Macdonald, A.J. , Powlson, D.S. , Ashton, R.W. and Whalley, W.R.(2021) "The effect of organic carbon content on soil compression characteristics", Soil and Tillage research, 209, 104975
DOI: 10.1016/j.still.2021.104975
- Jensen, J.L. , Schjonning, P. , Watts, C.W. , Christensen, B.T. , Obour, P.B. and Munkholm, L.J.(2020) "Soil degradation and recovery - Changes in organic matter fractions and structural stability", Geoderma, 364
DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114181
- Redmile-Gordon, M. , Gregory, A.S. , White, R.P. and Watts, C.W.(2020) "Soil organic carbon, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), and soil structural stability as affected by previous and current land use", Geoderma, 363
DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.114143
- Powlson, D.S. , Bhogal, A. , Chambers, B.J. , Coleman, K. , Macdonald, A.J. , Goulding, K.W.T. and Whitmore, A.P.(2012) "The potential to increase soil carbon stocks through reduced tillage or organic material additions in England and Wales: A case study.", Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 146, 23-33
DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2011.10.004
- Gregory, A.S. , Bird, N.R.A. , Whalley, W.R. , Matthews, G.P. and Young, I.M.(2010) "Deformation and Shrinkage Effects on the Soil Water Release Characteristic", Soil Science Society of America Journal, 74, 1104-1112
DOI: 10.2136/sssaj2009.0278
- Gregory, A.S. , Watts, C.W. , Griffiths, B.S. , Hallett, P.D. , Kuan, H.L. and Whitmore, A.P.(2009) "The effect of long-term soil management on the physical and biological resilience of a range of arable and grassland soils in England", Geoderma, 153, 172-185
DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.08.002
- Jenkinson, D.S. , Poulton, P.R. and Bryant, C.(2008) "The turnover of organic carbon in subsoils. Part 1. Natural and bomb radiocarbon in soil profiles from the Rothamsted long-term field experiments", European Journal of Soil Science, 59, 391-399
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2389.2008.01025.x
- Watts, C.W. , Clark, L.J. , Poulton, P.R. , Powlson, D.S. and Whitmore, A.P.(2006) "The role of clay, organic carbon and long-term management on mouldboard plough draught measured on the Broadbalk wheat experiment at Rothamsted", Soil Use and Management, 22, 334-341
DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-2743.2006.00054.x
- Blake, L. , Johnston, A.E. , Poulton, P.R. and Goulding, K.W.T.(2003) "Changes in soil phosphorus fractions following positive and negative phosphorus balances for long periods.", Plant and Soil, 254, 245-261
DOI: 10.1023/A:1025544817872
- Blake, L. , Mercik, S. , Koerschens, M. , Moskal, S. , Poulton, P.R. , Goulding, K.W.T. , Weigel, A. , Powlson, D.S. , Falloon, P.D. and Smith, P.(2000) "Phosphorus content in soil, uptake by plants and balance in three European long-term field experiments. Modelling refractory soil organic matter", Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 56, 263-275
DOI: 10.1023/A:1009841603931
- Goulding, K.W.T. , Poulton, P.R. , Webster, C.P. and Howe, M.T.(2000) "Nitrate leaching from the Broadbalk Wheat Experiment, Rothamsted, UK, as influenced by fertilizer and manure inputs and the weather", Soil Use and Management, 16, 244-250
DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-2743.2000.tb00203.x
- Blake, L. , Mercik, S. , Koerschens, M. , Goulding, K.W.T. , Stempen, S. , Weigel, A. , Poulton, P.R. and Powlson, D.S.(1999) "Potassium content in soil, uptake in plants and the potassium balance in three European long-term field experiments", Plant and Soil, 216, 1-14
DOI: 10.1023/a:1004730023746
- Avery, B.W.(1980) "Soil classification for England and Wales (higher categories). ", Technical Monograph 14, Soil Survey of England and Wales, Harpenden UK , ,
- Bolton, J.(1972) "Changes in magnesium and calcium in soils of the Broadbalk wheat experiment at Rothamsted from 1865 to 1966", The Journal of Agricultural Science, 79, 217-223
DOI: 10.1017/S0021859600032184
- Avery, B.W. and Bullock, P.(1969) "The soils of Broadbalk: Morphology and classification of Broadbalk soils", Rothamsted Experimental Station Report for 1968 , , 63-81 with references pp 112-115
Get from eRAdoc: ResReport1968p2-63-81
- Johnston, A.E.(1969) "The soils of Broadbalk: Plant nutrients in Broadbalk soils", Rothamsted Experimental Station Report for 1968 , Part 2 , 93-115
Get from eRAdoc: ResReport1968p2-93-115
- Salter, P.J. and Williams, J.B.(1969) "The moisture characteristics of some Rothamsted, Woburn and Saxmundham soils", The Journal of Agricultural Science, 73, 155-156
DOI: 10.1017/S0021859600024242
For further information and assistance, please contact the e-RA
curators, Sarah Perryman and Margaret Glendining using the e-RA email