All the Datasets

List of compiled datasets

Title hover for a longer description Experiment Year of Publication Type DOI or link Version

Crop nutrient data

Broadbalk Crop Nutrient Content, Wheat 1968-2017 R/BK/1 2021 Summary 10.23637/rbk1-BKNUTRW-01 01
Rothamsted long-term liming experiment grain mineral composition R/CS/10 2021 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rcs10-rltlgrain-01 01
Woburn long-term liming experiment grain mineral composition W/CS/10 2021 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wcs10-wltlgrain-01 01

Crop yield data - Annual

Broadbalk field bean yield components 1968-2022 R/BK/1 2023 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rbk1-beanyld6822-01 01
Broadbalk forage maize yields 1997-2017 R/BK/1 2023 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rbk1-fmyield9717-01 01
Broadbalk Wheat annual grain and straw yields 1852-1925 R/BK/1 2021 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rbk1-1796346264-1 01
Broadbalk Wheat annual grain and straw yields 1926-1967 R/BK/1 2023 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rbk1-yld2667-01 01
Broadbalk Wheat annual grain and straw yields 1968-2022 R/BK/1 2023 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rbk1-yld6822-01 01
Broadbalk Wheat yields and N uptake Section 1, 2001-2015 R/BK/1 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rbk1-yldS10115-01 01
Dataset: Park Grass Hay Yields, Fertilizer and Lime Treatments 1903-1964 R/PG/5 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rpg5-yields1903-1964-01 01
Dataset: Park Grass Hay Yields, Fertilizer and Lime Treatments 1965-2018 R/PG/5 2021 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rpg5-yields1965-2018-01 01
Exhaustion Land Experiment annual crop yields 1856-1901 R/EX/4 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/REX4-YLD5601-01 01
Exhaustion Land Experiment annual crop yields 1902-1939 R/EX/4 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/REX4-YLD0239-01 01
Exhaustion Land Experiment annual crop yields 1940-1975 R/EX/4 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/REX4-YLD4075-01 01
Fisher 1921 Broadbalk wheat grain yields 1852-1918 R/BK/1 2018 Summary 10.23637/rbk1-data-fisher-1921-01 01
Hoosfield mean long-term spring barley yields 1852-2015 R/HB/2 2017 Summary 10.23637/KeyRefOAHByields 01
Rothamsted long-term liming experiment crop yield 1962-1996 R/CS/10 2020 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rcs10-rltlyields-01 01
Woburn Continuous Barley Experiment yields 1877-1926 W/XB/6 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wxb6-yield7726-01 01
Woburn Continuous Barley Experiment yields 1927-1942 W/XB/6 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wxb6-yield2742-01 01
Woburn Continuous Barley Experiment yields 1943-1966 W/XB/6 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wxb6-yield4366-01 01
Woburn Continuous Wheat Experiment yields 1877-1926 W/XW/6 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wxw6-yield7726-01 01
Woburn Continuous Wheat Experiment yields 1927-1942 W/XW/6 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wxw6-yield2742-01 01
Woburn Continuous Wheat Experiment yields 1943-1966 W/XW/6 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wxw6-yield4366-01 01
Woburn Erosion Reference Experiment crop yields. W/RN/20 2024 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wrn20-yield-01 01
Woburn Ley-arable experiment: yields of wheat as first test crop, 1976-2018 W/RN/3 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wrn3-wheat7618-01 01
Woburn long-term liming experiment crop yields 1962-1996 W/CS/10 2020 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wcs10-wltlyields-01 01

Crop yield data - Summary

Broadbalk mean long-term yields of winter wheat 1852-2022 R/BK/1 2023 Summary 10.23637/rbk1/meanWWYields1852-2022-03 03

Disease data

Broadbalk Wheat brown foot rot (Fusarium spp.) 1992-2009 R/BK/1 2021 Summary 10.23637/rbk1-bfr-01 01

Experiment details

Broadbalk Wheat Chalk Applications R/BK/1 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rbk1-chalk-01 01
Broadbalk Wheat Experiment organic manure chemical composition R/BK/1 2024 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rbk1-FYM-01 01
Fosters Ley-arable Experiment cropping sequence 1949-2023 R/RN/2 2023 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rrn2-FLAcrop4923-01 01
Highfield Ley-arable Experiment cropping sequence 1949-2023 R/RN/1 2023 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rrn1-HLAcrop4923-01 01

Soil data

Acid Strip soil pH and phosphorus concentration 2010 R/RS/9 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rrs9-SOIL2010-01 01
Broadbalk changes in Olsen P in top soil, 1843-2010 R/BK/1 2016 Summary 10.23637/keyrefoabkolsenp 01
Broadbalk soil organic carbon content 1843-2015 R/BK/1 2021 Summary 10.23637/KeyRefOABKsoc-02 02
Broadbalk Soil Total % Nitrogen Content, 1843-2010 R/BK/1 2018 Summary 10.23637/BK-oadata-soilN-01 01
Broadbalk Wilderness accumulation of organic carbon R/BK/1W 2015 Summary 10.23637/KeyRefOABKWoc 01
Fosters Ley-arable experiment soil chemical properties 1948-2014 R/RN/2 2023 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rrn2-FLAsoc5014-01 01
Geescroft wilderness accumulation of organic carbon R/GE/9 2015 Summary 10.23637/KeyRefOAGEWoc 01
Highfield Bare Fallow soil chemical properties, 1959-2014 R/RS/1 2021 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rrs1-SOILCN1959-2014-01 01
Highfield Ley Arable - Metagenomic Study R/RN/1 2021 Summary PRJEB43407 01
Highfield Ley-arable experiment soil chemical properties 1948-2014 R/RN/1 2023 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rrn1-HLAsoc4814-01 01
Hoosfield soil organic carbon content R/HB/2 2012 Summary 10.23637/KeyRefOAHBsoc 01
Park Grass Metaproteome R/PG/5 2022 Summary 10.6019/PXD017392 01
Park Grass Soil pH 1856-2011 R/PG/5 2016 Summary 10.23637/KeyRefOAPGsoilpH 01
Rothamsted Ley Arable Soil Organic Carbon 1948-2008: Highfield R/RN/1 2018 Summary 10.23637/KeyRefOARLAsoc 01
Rothamsted Ley Arable Soil Organic Carbon 1948-2008; Fosters R/RN/2 2018 Summary 10.23637/rrn2-OARFLAsoc-1 01
Rothamsted long-term liming experiment soil chemical properties 1962-1996 R/CS/10 2023 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rcs10-soil-01 01
Woburn Continuous Barley Experiment soil data 1876-1932 W/XB/6 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wxb6-soil7632-01 01
Woburn Continuous Wheat Experiment soil data 1876-1932 W/XW/6 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wxw6-soil7632-01 01
Woburn Erosion Reference Experiment plot soil total C and N W/RN/20 2024 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wrn20-soil-01 01
Woburn Erosion Reference Experiment soil erosion and surface runoff data W/RN/20 2024 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wrn20-sed-01 01
Woburn Ley-arable experiment soil organic carbon, 1938-2009 W/RN/3 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wrn3-soc3809-01 01
Woburn long-term liming experiment soil chemical properties 1962-1996 W/CS/10 2024 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/wcs10-soil-02 02

Species observation data

Cirsium arvense frequency on Broadbalk Section 8 1991-2018 R/BK/1 2019 Summary 10.23637/bbk-2078416917-01 01
Broadbalk Weed Survey Data 1991-2021 R/BK/1 2023 Summary 10.23637/rbk1-weeds_1991-2021_01 01
Dataset: Park Grass Species, Fertilizer and Lime Treatments 1991-2000 R/PG/5 2021 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rpg5-species_1991-2000-01 01
Dataset: Park Grass Species, Fertilizer and Lime Treatments 2010-2012 R/PG/5 2022 Complete (Frictionless) 10.23637/rpg5-species_2010-2012-01 01
Park Grass Changes in Mean Species Numbers 1864-2011 R/PG/5 2016 Summary 10.23637/KeyRefOAPGspecies 01
Park Grass Plot Photos R/PG/5 2022 Summary 10.23637/rpg5-plotphotos-01 01

Weather Data

Mean Seasonal Air Temperature and Total Seasonal Rain at Rothamsted 1968-2022 RMS 2023 Summary 10.23637/rms-RothSeasonTotRainMeanTemp1968-2022 01
Saxmundham monthly meteorological summaries 1966-1985 SMS 2019 Summary 10.23637/Sax-1928223556-01 01

Weather Data - Sun

Total Monthly and Annual Sunshine Hours at Rothamsted 1893-2023 RMS 2024 Summary 10.23637/rmsTMASunHours1893-2023-01 01

Weather data - 30 year means

Rothamsted 30-year mean meteorological data 1961-1990 RMS 2019 Summary 10.23637/OARES30YrMeans6190 01
Rothamsted 30-year mean meteorological data 1971-2000 RMS 2019 Summary 10.23637/OARES30YrMeans7100 01
Rothamsted 30-year mean meteorological data 1981-2010 RMS 2019 Summary 10.23637/OARES30YrMeans8180 01
Rothamsted 30-year mean meteorological data 1991-2020 RMS 2021 Summary 10.23637/OARES30YrMeans9120 01

Weather data - Rainfall

Mean monthly rainfall at Rothamsted October 1985-September 2017 RMS 2020 Summary 10.23637/rmsMMRain10850917 01
Total Annual Rainfall at Rothamsted 1853-2023 RMS 2024 Summary 10.23637/rmsTARain1853-2023-01 01
Total Monthly Rainfall at Rothamsted March 1853 - July 2018 RMS 2018 Summary 10.23637/RMMRAIN5318 01

Weather data - Temperature

Annual Mean Air Temperature Anomaly at Rothamsted 1878-2019 RMS 2020 Summary 10.23637/rms-RMAAtempanomaly-1 01
Annual Mean Air Temperature at Rothamsted 1878-2023 RMS 2024 Summary 10.23637/rms-RMAAtemp-03 03
Mean monthly temperature at Rothamsted October 1985-September 2017 RMS 2020 Summary 10.23637/rmsmmtemp10850917 01
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