Conditions of Use

This dataset is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence (4.0) with the following conditions of re-use:

  1. Where the data is presented, either in original or derived form, such as a graphic or summary statistics, you must always use the following attribution statements to acknowledge the source of the information: Contains data supplied by Rothamsted Research.

    In addition, you must use the following in the acknowledgements section: We thank the Lawes Agricultural Trust and Rothamsted Research for information and data from the e-RA database. The Rothamsted Long-Term Experiments - National Bioscience Research Infrastructure (RLTE-NBRI) is funded by the UK Research and Innovation - Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (UKRI-BBSRC) under award BBS/E/RH/23NB0007 (2023-2028). The RLTE-NBRI is also supported by the Lawes Agricultural Trust.

  2. Dataset citation helps us to monitor how LTE datasets are being used and report their continuing impact to funders, therefore you must ensure the dataset is correctly cited and includes the dataset DOI. See How to Credit for more details on dataset citation.
  3. If you publish using data or material from LTE datasets, in addition to following the data citation guidelines above, we also request you notify us of the publication.
  4. If you require significant support from Rothamsted Scientists to compile, understand or analyse a dataset we request co-authorship on publications using the data.
  5. Any reasonable changes made to the dataset must be indicated but not in a way that suggests Rothamsted Research endorses the change or use.
  6. Rothamsted Research may publish corrected or updated versions of the dataset without notice. All published datasets are version controlled.
  7. You must not intentionally misrepresent the dataset. If you have any doubts about interpretation of the data please contact the e-RA curators and they will be happy to support you.

If you are uncertain how best to use the dataset or do not understand some aspect of the dataset, the accompanying metadata and supporting information or conditions of use, you are strongly advised to contact the e-RA Data Curators for support.

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For further information and assistance, please contact the e-RA curators, Sarah Perryman and Margaret Glendining using the e-RA email address: