Imperial to Metric units
Imperial unit |
Metric unit |
1 inch (in.) |
2.540 centimetres (cm) |
1 foot (ft) (= 12 in.) |
30.48 cm |
1 yard (yd) (= 3 ft) |
0.9144 metre (m) |
1 square yard (sq yd) |
0.8361 sq m |
1 acre (= 4840 sq yd) |
0.4047 hectare (ha) |
1 ounce (oz) |
28.35 grams (g) |
1 pound (lb) |
0.4536 kilogram (kg) |
1 hundredweight (cwt) (=112 lb) |
50.80 kg |
1 unit (1% of a cwt) (=1.12 lb) |
0.508 kg |
1 ton (= 2240 lb) |
1.016 metric tonnes (= 1016 kg) |
1 pint |
0.5682 litre (l) |
1 gallon (gal) (= 8 pints) |
4.546 litre |
1 fluid ounce = 1/20 pint |
0.02841 litre = 28.41 ml |
1 cubic foot |
28.32 litre |
1 bushel |
36.369 litre |
Conversion Factors:
To convert |
Multiply by |
oz/acre to g/ha |
70.06 |
Ib/acre to kg/ha |
1.121 |
cwt/acre to kg/ha |
125.5 |
cwt/acre to tonnes/ha |
0.1255 |
unit/acre to kg/ha |
1.255 |
tons/acre to kg/ha |
2511 |
tons/acre to tonnes/ha |
2.511 |
gal/acre to litre/ha |
11.23 |
Meteorological data:
To convert |
Multiply by |
Temperature: |
°F to °C |
subtract 32 and multiply by 0.5556 |
°C to °F |
multiply by 1.8 and add 32 |
Solar radiation (RAD): |
J/cm2 to MJ/m2 |
0.01 |
MJ/m2 to W/m2 |
11.6 |
Wind measurements: |
Knots to m/s |
0.5144 |
From 10m to 2m height (see equation (1) below) |
0.78 |
From 2m to 10m height (see equation (1) below) |
1.28 |
Average daily windspeed (m/s) from total daily windrun (km
in 24 hours) |
0.011574 |
Total daily windrun (km in 24 hours) from average daily
windspeed (m/s) |
86.4 |
Beaufort wind scale number (B) to windspeed (m/s) at 10m |
0.836 B3/2 |
Vapour pressure (VAP): |
kPa to mb |
10 |
Equations for wind measurements:
- 1) Adjusting wind measurements for different heights of
Vh/V10 = 0.233+0.656*log10 (h+4.75)
where Vh = speed in knots at height h, V10 = speed at 10m and h =
height in m (Met Office 1982).
- 2) Converting the Beaufort scale wind speed:
v =
0.836 B3/2 m/s
Where v is the equivalent wind speed at 10
metres above the sea surface and B is Beaufort scale number.
Chemical components of fertilizers:
Oxide to element |
Multiply by |
P2O5 to P
0.436 |
K2O to K
0.830 |
MgO to Mg |
0.603 |
SO3 to S
0.400 |
CaCO3 to Ca
0.400 |
Epsom salts: A crystalline form of magnesium sulphate, MgSO4.7H2O.
Kieserite: A crystalline form of magnesium sulphate, MgSO4.H2O.
- Rothamsted (1974), "Conversion Factors", Yields of the
Field Experiments, 1973, pp 406-407 DOI: 10.23637/ERADOC-1-98
(whole book).
- Meteorological Office (1982) "Observer's Handbook, 4th
Edition, Met.0.933
- Meteorological data: Instrument
- DEFRA (2010) "Fertilizer Manual (RB209)" 8th Edition. The
Stationery Office, UK.
For further information and assistance, please contact the e-RA
curators, Sarah Perryman and Margaret Glendining using the e-RA email