Crop | Years Grown |
Potatoes | 1969 - 1974 |
Sugar Beet | 1969 - 1974 |
Winter Wheat | 1977 - 1986 |
Barley | 1970 - 1979 |
Faba Beans |
Factors are the interventions or treatments which vary across the experiment.
Description: Five amounts of P were tested, P0, P0, P1, P2 and P3. (0, 0, 27.4, 54.8 and 82.2 kg P /ha) applied to a range of existing soil P levels (4-65 mgP/ha). These were applied every two years.
Level Name | Amount | Years | Frequency | Crop | Method | Chemical Form | Notes |
Variable | Unit | Collection Frequency |
Material | Description | Crop |
Plant Available Phosphorous | Annual | Soil | Olsen P in soil 0-23cm, 1969-1984 | ||
Yield Components | t/ha | annually | AllCrops | Cereal grain and straw yields, sugar yields from sugar beet and tuber yields from potatoes, 1970-1986 | |
Phosphorous Content | kgP/ha | annually | AllCrops | P uptake from cereal grain and straw, potato tubers, sugar from sugar beet. P uptake by beans (1980-1985) estimated. | |
Soil Organic Carbon | occasionally | Soil | 1969, 1977/78 and 1981/2. Measured by Tinsley, 0-23cm. | ||
Soil pH | occasionally | Soil | 1969, 1977/78 and 1981/2. pH in 0.01 M CaCl2, 0-23cm | ||
Fertilizer N Applied | kgN/ha | annually | Fertilizer N applied to crops 1969-1986 | ||
Fertilizer 15n Recovery | kgN/ha | annually | SpecifiedCrop | Nitrogen (N) fertilizer labelled with the heavy isotope 15N was applied to some of the winter wheat plots in the early 1980s, to determine the recovery of fertilizer N in the crop and soil. See Powlson et al (1992) for the recovery of fertilizer N applied in the autumn; Hart et al (1993) for the fate of the residues; Macdonald et al (1989) for the recovery of unused fertilizer N in the soil. The data was also used to partition losses between denitrification and leaching (Addiscott & Powlson, 1992) and to model the fate of N in crop and soil (Bradbury et al, 1993). | winter wheat |
Exchangeable K | mg/kg | occasionally | Soil | 1970/71 and 1977/78. 0-23cm. |
Crop | Years Grown |
Winter Wheat | |
Root Vegetables | |
Barley | |
Legumes |
Factors are the interventions or treatments which vary across the experiment.
Description: 25.1 t/ha of FYM
Level Name | Amount | Years | Frequency | Crop | Method | Chemical Form | Notes |
Description: Sodium nitrate
Level Name | Amount | Years | Frequency | Crop | Method | Chemical Form | Notes |
Level Name | Amount | Years | Frequency | Crop | Method | Chemical Form | Notes |
Crop | Years Grown |
Barley | |
Potatoes | |
Turnips | |
Sugar Beet |
Factors are the interventions or treatments which vary across the experiment.
Description: Applied to plots 4 and 5 in 1966 and 1967, a total of 100.4t/ha .
Level Name | Amount | Years | Frequency | Crop | Method | Chemical Form | Notes |
Description: Applied to plots 5,6 (total of 246.6 kgP/ha) and 7 (total of 493.2kgP/ha) 1965-69
Level Name | Amount | Years | Frequency | Crop | Method | Chemical Form | Notes |
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For further information and assistance, please contact the e-RA curators, Sarah Perryman and Margaret Glendining using the e-RA email address: