Rothamsted Continuous Maize

  • Experiment Code: R/CS/477
  • Experiment Site: Rothamsted
  • Objectives: To monitor the fate of organic carbon in the soil organic matter.
  • Description: Continuous maize and barley plots with different amounts of maize tops incorporated. The experiment is duplicated at Woburn on a contrasting sandy loam soil. Maize and spring barley were chosen as crops with contrasting delta 13C enrichment in their residues. This can be used to follow the fate of the C incorporated in the crop residues. The experiments were established initially for use in SOM fractionation studies, but staff and analytical funds are no longer available to support this work, so the experiment was discontinued in 2015.
  • Date Start: 1997
  • Date End: 2015

Key Contacts

  • Margaret Glendining

  • Role: Data Manager
  • ORCID:
  • Organisation: Rothamsted Research
  • Address: West Common, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2JQ, United Kingdom


  • The e-RA database, including the published datasets generated from it, is part of the Rothamsted Long-Term Experiments - National Bioscience Research Infrastructure (RLTE-NBRI) , which also includes the Long-Term Experiments, the Sample Archive and Rothamsted's environmental monitoring activities including the weather stations and its role in the UK Environmental Change Network.
  • The RLTE-NBRI is supported by the Lawes Agricultural Trust and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (Grants BBS/E/C/00005189 (2012-2017); BBS/E/C/000J0300 (2017-2022); BBS/E/RH/23NB0007 (2023-2028)).

Experimental Design


  • There were six crop and straw treatment combinations


  • Period: 1997 - 2015
  • Number of Blocks: 3
  • Number of Plots: 18
  • Number of Replicates: 3
  • Number of Harvests per Year: 1


Crop Years Grown


Factors are the interventions or treatments which vary across the experiment.

Crop Residue Management Exposure

Application: Whole Plot

Level Name Amount Years Frequency Crop Method Chemical Form Notes
Continuous Maize, Stubble Incorporated -
Continuous Maize, Stubble Plus 10t Maize Tops Incorporated -
Maize After Three Years of Spring Barley, Straw Removed -
Spring Barley After Five Years Maize, Stubble Incorporated -
Continuous Spring Barley, Straw Removed Plus 10 T Maize Tops Incorporated -
Continuous Spring Barley, Straw Removed -


Variable Unit Collection
Material Description Crop
Grain Yield Trait t/ha annual AllCrops

Site: Hoosfield - Rothamsted


  • Type: Luvisol
There are currently no prepared datasets online for this experiment. However, there may still be data available but requiring curation. For more information please contact the e-RA curators.


Creative Commons License These media (images and videos) are available under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence (4.0) with attribution to Rothamsted Research.


Key References

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For further information and assistance, please contact the e-RA curators, Sarah Perryman and Margaret Glendining using the e-RA email address: