Rothamsted Long-term Liming Experiment

  • Experiment Code: R/CS/10
  • Experiment Site: Rothamsted
  • Objectives: To study the effects of different amounts of lime (and thus soil pH), P and K on the yields of a sequence of arable crops.
  • Description: Yields of various crops were recorded from 1962-1996 and papers published (Bolton, 1971, 1977 a,b; McEwen et al, 1990; Holland et al, 2019). Soil samples have been used for experiments determining the effects of pH on the bioavailability of heavy metals (Sanders et al, 1986). Lime was applied in one year (1962) and then in small doses between 1982-1987. The plots were also used as part of a dataset to produce the Rothamsted Lime Model (RothLime; Goulding et al, 1989) which was used from 1982 onwards to apply small amounts of lime to keep the plots at the target pHs (1:2.5 soil:water) of 4.5, 5.5, 6.5 and 7.5. The experiment was under grass from 1997-2019 and no treatments were applied. In April 2019 the experiment was revived, and is currently being used to investigate the effect of different lime, P and Zn treatments on macro and micro nutrient uptake of wheat varieties. For more details contact Dr SM Haefele.
  • Date Start: 1962
  • Date End: Ongoing

Key Contacts

  • Sarah Perryman

  • Role: Data Manager
  • Organisation: Rothamsted Research
  • Address: West Common, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2JQ, United Kingdom
  • Margaret Glendining

  • Role: Data Manager
  • ORCID:
  • Organisation: Rothamsted Research
  • Address: West Common, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2JQ, United Kingdom
  • Andrew Gregory

  • Role: Principal Investigator
  • ORCID:
  • Organisation: Rothamsted Research
  • Address: West Common, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2JQ, United Kingdom
  • Stephan Haefele

  • Role: Principal Investigator
  • ORCID: 0000-0003-0389-8373
  • Organisation: Rothamsted Research
  • Address: West Common, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2JQ, United Kingdom


  • The e-RA database, including the published datasets generated from it, is part of the Rothamsted Long-Term Experiments - National Bioscience Research Infrastructure (RLTE-NBRI) , which also includes the Long-Term Experiments, the Sample Archive and Rothamsted's environmental monitoring activities including the weather stations and its role in the UK Environmental Change Network.
  • The RLTE-NBRI is supported by the Lawes Agricultural Trust and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (Grants BBS/E/C/00005189 (2012-2017); BBS/E/C/000J0300 (2017-2022); BBS/E/RH/23NB0007 (2023-2028)).


  • arable farming, arable soils, barley, crop yield, experimental design, fertilizer, liming, long term experiments, mineral content, oats, phosphorous, rothamsted research, soil fertility, soil ph, trace elements, wheat

Experimental Design


  • The original design was four lime treatments with and without P and K (4 x 2 x 2 factorial with two replicates) within randomised blocks and with plot sizes of 6 m x 18 m. Until 1978 test P and K were both applied cumulatively. In 1962 columns of 4 plots were split for uninoculated v inoculated seed. 1969, 1979 and 1980 were fallow years. In 1974 plots were subdivided for a comparison of with and without Magnesium, applied at 112 kgMg/ha/yr in 1974, 1976-1978.


  • Period: 1962 - 1980
  • Experiment Design Type: Randomised block
  • Number of Blocks: 2
  • Number of Plots: 32
  • Number of Replicates: 2
  • Number of Sub-plots: 2
  • Number of Harvests per Year: 1


Crop Years Grown
Spring Beans1962 - 1964
Spring Barley1965 - 1967
Potatoes1968 -
Fallow1969 -
Spring Oats1975 -
Spring Rapeseed1976 -


Factors are the interventions or treatments which vary across the experiment.

Liming Exposure

Description: Four rates of lime: control, low, medium and high. Applied in 1962, 1963 and 1978. Amounts given are the total amounts applied, see comments for splits.

Application: Whole Plot

Level Name Amount Years Frequency Crop Method Chemical Form Notes
Control Exposure 0 t/ha 1962 - 1980
Lime Low 7 t/ha 1962 - 1980 twice 5 t/ha in 1962, 2 t/ha in 1978
Lime Medium 15 t/ha 1962 - 1980 twice 10 t/ha in 1962, 5 t/ha in 1978
Lime High 30 t/ha 1962 - 1980 twice 15 t/ha in 1962, 5 t/ha in 1963, 10 t/ha in 1978

Phosphate Fertilizer Exposure

Description: P either applied or not applied to plots. Treatments not applied in fallow years.

Application: Whole Plot

Level Name Amount Years Frequency Crop Method Chemical Form Notes
Control Exposure 0 kgP/ha 1962 - 1980
P Fertilizer Exposure 27.5 kgP/ha 1962 - 1980 annually in spring triple superphosphate 55 kgP/ha applied to potatoes. Not applied in fallow years 1969, 1979, 1980.

Potassium Fertilizer Exposure

Description: K either applied or not applied to plots. Treatments not applied in fallow years.

Application: Whole Plot

Level Name Amount Years Frequency Crop Method Chemical Form Notes
Control Exposure 104 kgK/ha 1962 - 1980 annually in spring muriate of potash In 1968 and 1974, 156 kgK/ha was applied to potatoes. Not applied in fallow years 1969, 1979 or 1980.
Potassium K 104 kgK/ha 1962 - 1980 annually in spring muriate of potash In 1968 and 1974, 156 kgK/ha was applied to potatoes. Not applied in fallow years 1969, 1979 or 1980.

Rhizobium Leguminosarum Exposure

Description: Spring beans seed inoculated with Rhizobium

Application: Sub Plot

Level Name Amount Years Frequency Crop Method Chemical Form Notes
Control Exposure 0 1962 - 1962 spring beans
Inoculated 1962 - 1962 spring beans seed dressing

Magnesium Nutrient Exposure

Description: Magnesium either applied or not applied to sub-plots

Application: Sub Plot

Level Name Amount Years Frequency Crop Method Chemical Form Notes
Control Exposure 0 kgMg/ha 1974 - 1978
Magnesium Mg 112 kgMg/ha 1974 - 1978 annually in spring magnesium sulfate Not applied in 1975. Applied as Epsom salts 1974-1977 and as Kieserite in 1978.


Variable Unit Collection
Material Description Crop
Yield Components t/ha annually AllCrops Crop grain yields at 85% dry matter for cereals, 90% dry matter for oilseeds and fresh weight for potatoes. No straw data.
Soil pH every few years pH in water 1:2.5 soil: water suspension from topsoil (0-23cm). Sampled in autumn/winter after harvest and before sowing the next crop.
Plant Available Phosphorous ppm Every few years Soil Olsen P (plant-available P) in soil, ppm in soil.


  • The experiment was modified in 1981. The 4 lime treatments continued, the PK treatments were replaced with 4 P levels with two replicates (4 x 4 x 2). The main plots were split into sub-plots 1987-1990 to test foliar Manganese, and in 1991-1996 to test Sulphur


  • Period: 1981 - 1996
  • Number of Plots: 32
  • Number of Replicates: 2
  • Number of Sub-plots:
  • Number of Harvests per Year: 1


Crop Years Grown
Oats1981 - 1982
Potatoes1983 -
Fallow1984 -
Barley1985 -
Triticales1986 -
Lupins1987 -
Beans1989 - 1990
Rapeseed1991 - 1992
Lupins1993 - 1994
Wheat1995 - 1996


Factors are the interventions or treatments which vary across the experiment.

Phosphate Fertilizer Exposure

Application: Whole Plot

Level Name Amount Years Frequency Crop Method Chemical Form Notes
Control Exposure 0 kgP/ha 1981 - 1996 Control treatment 1962-1980, no fertilizer P applied.
P1 kgP/ha 1981 - 1996 triple superphosphate 25 kgP/ha applied in 1981, 1982 and 1988. Received K treatment 1962-1980, no fertilizer P applied.
P2 kgP/ha 1981 - 1996 triple superphosphate 25, 50 & 25 kgP/ha applied in 1981, 1983 and 1988 respectively. Received P treatment 1962-1980, a total of 495kgP/ha.
P3 kgP/ha 1981 - 1996 triple superphosphate 75, 25, 50 & 75 kgP/ha applied in 1981, 1982, 1983 and 1988 respectively. Received PK treatment 1962-1980, a total of 495kgP/ha.

Liming Exposure

Description: Continuation of 4 treatments in Period 1. Further applications in 1981, 1982 and 1986. Amounts given are the total amounts applied, see comments for splits.

Application: Whole Plot

Level Name Amount Years Frequency Crop Method Chemical Form Notes
Control Exposure 0 t/ha 1980 - 1996
Lime Low 8.0 t/ha 1982 - 1987 3 times ground chalk 2, 5 and 1 t/ha chalk applied 1982, 1983 and 1987 respectively. Total application 1962-1987 = 15 t/ha.
Lime Medium 9.5 t/ha 1982 - 1987 3 times ground chalk 5, 3 and 1.5 t/ha chalk applied 1982, 1983 and 1987 respectively. Total application 1962-1987 = 24.5 t/ha.
Lime High 22.5 t/ha 1982 - 1987 3 times ground chalk 10, 10 and 2.5 t/ha chalk applied 1982, 1983 and 1987 respectively. Total application 1962-1987 = 52.5 t/ha.

Manganese Nutrient Exposure

Description: Manganese fertilizer applied to split plots

Level Name Amount Years Frequency Crop Method Chemical Form Notes
Control Exposure 0 kg/ha 1987 - 1990
Manganese 0.3 kg/ha 1987 - 1990 annually manganese sprays Foliar spray applied twice a year

Sulfate Fertiliser Exposure

Description: Sulphur fertilizer applied to split plots

Level Name Amount Years Frequency Crop Method Chemical Form Notes
Control Exposure 0 kgS/ha 1991 - 1996
Sulphur 30 kgS/ha 1991 - 1996 Annual calcium sulfate


Variable Unit Collection
Material Description Crop
Yield Components t/ha annually AllCrops Crop grain yields at 85% dry matter for cereals, 90% dry matter for oilseeds and fresh weight for potatoes. No straw data.
Soil pH every few years Soil pH in water 1:2.5 soil: water suspension from topsoil (0-23cm). Sampled in autumn/winter after harvest and before sowing the next crop.
Plant Available Phosphorous ppm Every few years Soil Olsen P (plant-available P) in soil, ppm in soil.

Site: Sawyers Field I - Rothamsted

  • Experiment Site: Rothamsted
  • Description: The site is an old arable site, which had not grown beans for many years. The soil was acidic and deficient in P and K. The intial pH ranged between 4.8 and 5.6. The experiment was started in 1962.
  • Management: From 1962-1996 the site was managed according to conventional practices. In most years N fertilizer was applied at a rate appropriate for the crop and site, and a range of conventional pesticides were used to control weeds, pests and diseases. The experiment was under grass from 1997-2019 and no treatments were applied. In April 2019 the experiment was revived, and is currently being used to investigate the effect of different lime, P and Zn treatments on macro and micro nutrient uptake of wheat varieties. For more details contact Dr SM Haefele.
  • Visit Permitted?: Yes
  • Visiting Arrangments: By arrangement with Dr Andrew Gregory
  • Elevation: 130 Metres
  • Geolocation:    51.8157, -0.3752


  • Type: Luvisol
    Chromic Luvisols and Orthic Acrisols Podzoluvisols (FAO). Paleo-argillic brown earth (Soil Survey England & Wales) Paleudalfs, Hapludalfs (Fragiudalfs) (US Soil Taxonomy). Derived from drift and loess over clay-with-flints. Batcombe series, Flinty silty clay loam (Bolton 1977).

Soil Properties

Variable Value Reference Year Is Estimated Is Baseline
Coarse sand content 14% (Percent) 1974 NO NO
Find sand content 40% (Percent) 1974 NO NO
Silt content 23% (Percent) 1974 NO NO
Clay content 21% (Percent) 1974 NO NO
Soil total carbon 1.4% (Percent) 1974 NO NO
Total soil nitrogen 0.15% (Percent) 1974 NO NO
Soil density 2800t/ha (tonnes per hectare) 1905 NO NO
Soil pH 5.1 (pH) 1962 NO YES

Datasets available

Title (hover for a longer description) Year of Publication Identifier Version

Crop nutrient data

Rothamsted long-term liming experiment grain mineral composition 2021

Crop yield data - Annual

Rothamsted long-term liming experiment crop yield 1962-1996 2020

Soil data

Rothamsted long-term liming experiment soil chemical properties 1962-1996 2023
Rothamsted long-term liming experiment exchangeable cations re-analysed 2023


Creative Commons License These media (images and videos) are available under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence (4.0) with attribution to Rothamsted Research.


Experimental plans, lime and fertilizer treatments details 1962-1996

Open in other tab

Plans and treatments details

  • Plans 1962-1996 Rothamsted long-term liming experiment plans 1962-1996. Standardized experiment plans, showing plot numbers, layout and treatment factors. doi: 10.23637/rcs10-Plans
  • Treatments 1962-1996 Rothamsted long-term liming experiment details of the lime applications, fertilizer treatments and basal fertilizer applied, 1962-1996. doi: 10.23637/rcs10-Treatments-01

Key References


  • Holland, J.E. , White, R. , Haefele, S.M. , Goulding, K.W.T. , McGrath, S.P. and Glendining, M.J.(2024) "Long-term effects of lime and phosphorus application on soil extractable (Olsen) phosphorus differ between two arable UK soils", Soil Use and Management, 40, e13160
    DOI: 10.1111/sum.13160


  • Clarke, A.(2021) "Why regular liming can raise profits by up to £436/ha/yr", 05 February 2021
  • Jordan-Meille, L. , Holland, J.E. , McGrath, S.P. , Glendining, M.J. , Thomas, C.L. and Haefele, S.M.(2021) "Rothamsted long-term liming experiment grain mineral composition data. ", Electronic Rothamsted Archive, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK
    DOI: 10.23637/rcs10-rltlgrain-01
  • Jordan-Meille, L. , Holland, J.E. , McGrath, S.P. , Glendining, M.J. , Thomas, C.L. and Haefele, S.M.(2021) "Woburn long-term liming experiment grain mineral composition data", Electronic Rothamsted Archive, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK
    DOI: 10.23637/wcs10-wltlgrain-01
  • Jordan-Meille, L. , Holland, J.E. , McGrath, S.P. , Glendining, M.J. , Thomas, C.L. and Haefele, S.M.(2021) "The grain mineral composition of barley, oat and wheat on soils with pH and soil phosphorus gradients", European Journal of Agronomy, 126, 126281
    DOI: 10.1016/j.eja.2021.126281


  • Glendining, M.J.(2020) "Rothamsted long-term liming experiment plans 1962-1996", Electronic Rothamsted Archive, Rothamsted Research
    DOI: 10.23637/rcs10-Plans
  • Glendining, M.J. , Holland, J.E. , McGrath, S.P. and Goulding, K.W.T.(2020) "Rothamsted long-term liming experiment crop yields 1962-1996", Electronic Rothamsted Archive, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK
    DOI: 10.23637/rcs10-rltlyields-01
  • Glendining, M.J.(2020) "Rothamsted long-term liming experiment lime and fertilizer treatments 1962-1996", Electronic Rothamsted Archive, Rothamsted Research
    DOI: 10.23637/rcs10-Treatments-01
  • Glendining, M.J.(2020) "Woburn long-term liming experiment plans 1962-1996", Electronic Rothamsted Archive, Rothamsted Research
    DOI: 10.23637/wcs10-Plans
  • Glendining, M.J.(2020) "Woburn long-term liming experiment lime and fertilizer treatments 1962-1996", Electronic Rothamsted Archive, Rothamsted Research
    DOI: 10.23637/wcs10-Treatments-01
  • Glendining, M.J. , Holland, J.E. , McGrath, S.P. and Goulding, K.W.T.(2020) "Woburn long-term liming experiment crop yields 1962-1996", Electronic Rothamsted Archive, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK
    DOI: 10.23637/wcs10-wltlyields-01
  • Holland, J.E. and Behrendt, K.(2020) "The economics of liming in arable crop rotations: analysis of the 35-year Rothamsted and Woburn liming experiments", Soil Use and Management, 1-11
    DOI: 10.1111/sum.12682


  • Holland, J.E. , White, P.J. , Glendining, M.J. , Goulding, K.W.T. and McGrath, S.P.(2019) "Yield responses of arable crops to liming - An evaluation of relationships between yields and soil pH from a long-term liming experiment", European Journal of Agronomy, 105, 176-188
    DOI: 10.1016/j.eja.2019.02.016


  • Watts, C.W. , Glendining, M.J. and Castells-Brooke, N.I.D.(2017) "Woburn Experimental Farm Soil and Field Maps", Electronic Rothamsted Archive, Rothamsted Research
    DOI: 10.23637/ws-soil-maps-01


  • Goulding, K.W.T.(2016) "Soil acidification and the importance of liming agricultural soils with particular reference to the United Kingdom", Soil Use and Management, 32, 390-399
    DOI: 10.1111/sum.12270


  • Kemmitt, S.J. , Wright, D. , Goulding, K.W.T. and Jones, D.L.(2006) "pH regulation of carbon and nitrogen dynamics in two agricultural soils", Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 38, 898-911
    DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2005.08.006


    DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.1993.tb03837.x


  • McEwen, J. , Yeoman, D.P. and McGrath, S.P.(1990) "effects of pH, phosphate and manganese on spring-sown Vicia faba L.", FABIS Newsletter , , 18-20


  • Goulding, K.W.T. , McGrath, S.P. and Johnston, A.E.(1989) "Predicting the lime requirement of soils under permanent grassland and arable crops", Soil Use & Management, 5, 54-58
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-2743.1989.tb00760.x


  • Sanders, J.R. , McGrath, S.P. and Adams, T.M.(1986) "ZINC, COPPER AND NICKEL CONCENTRATIONS IN RYEGRASS GROWN ON SEWAGE SLUDGE-CONTAMINATED SOILS OF DIFFERENT PH", Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 37, 961-968
    DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.2740371003


  • Bolton, J.(1977) "Changes in soil pH and exchangeable calcium in 2 liming experiments on contrasting soils over 12 years", The Journal of Agricultural Science, 89, 81-86
    DOI: 10.1017/S0021859600027210
  • Bolton, J.(1977) "Liming effects on response of potatoes and oats to phosphorus, potassium and magnesium fertilizers", The Journal of Agricultural Science, 89, 87-93
    DOI: 10.1017/S0021859600027222


  • Bolton, J.(1976) "Liming and interaction of soil pH with responses to P, K and Mg fertilizers", Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 27, 593-593
    DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.2740270615


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For further information and assistance, please contact the e-RA curators, Sarah Perryman and Margaret Glendining using the e-RA email address: