eRA e-RAdoc: Digited Documents from the Rothamsted Long-term Experiments

06/R/HB/2 - Hoos Barley

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Results of the Classical and other Long-term Experiments 2006

Results of the Classical and Other Long-term Experiments 2006-1
Table of Contents and Conventions
06/R/BK/1 - Broadbalk4
06/R/HB/2 - Hoos Barley13
06/R/WF/3 - Wheat and Fallow18
06/R/EX/4 - Exhaustion Land19
06/R/PG/5 - Park Grass22
06/W/RN/3 - Woburn Ley Arable29
06/W/RN/12 - Organic Manuring38
06/R/CS/326 and 06/W/CS/326 - Amount of Straw41
06/R/CS/477 - Rothamsted Continuous Maize45
06/W/CS/478 - Woburn Continuous Maize47
Weather Monthly Summary 49

Rothamsted eRAdoc is developed at Rothamsted Research