eRA e-RAdoc: Digited Documents from the Rothamsted Long-term Experiments

Retaining and Restoring Soil Carbon Stocks

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Rothamsted Research Annual Report 2014

Interview With Prof. Achim Dobermann 2
Research Highlights6
Towards 'smart Crop Protection'6
Willow Power: from Baskets to Biofuel 12
Gm Camelina: False Flax With True Potential 14
Major Breakthrough in Photosynthesis Efficiency 16
Retaining and Restoring Soil Carbon Stocks 18
Predicting Wheat Production in 2060 20
The 'classicals': As Relevant Today As Ever 23
Making Sustainable Livestock Production Possible 24
Recognizing and Valuing Achievement 26
The Value of Dialogue30
Research and Enterprise Hub at Rothamsted32
Rothamsted Today34
Facts and Figures36
Staff, Partners and Funders38
Further Information40

Rothamsted eRAdoc is developed at Rothamsted Research