eRA e-RAdoc: Digited Documents from the Rothamsted Long-term Experiments

Woburn Experimental Station

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Report for 1955

Report of Rothamsted Experimental Station for 19551
Rothamsted Laboratories, Erected 1914-19162
Lawes Agricultural Trust and the Incorporated Society of Extending the Rothamsted Experiments 5
Rothamsted Experimental Station; Soil Survey of England and Wales; Woburn Experimental Station and Imperial College of Science and Technology - Research Institute of Plant Physiology and the Commonwealth Bureau of Soils Staff List6
Preface 21
Introduction 25
Departmental Reports 36
Physics Department36
Chemistry Department43
Pedology Department55
Soil Microbiology Department66
Botany Department 70
Biochemistry Department80
Plant Pathology Department89
Nematology Department107
Insecticides and Fungicides Department112
Entomology Department131
Bee Department 139
Statistics Department146
Field Experiments Section153
The Farms : Rothamsted 166
The Farms : Woburn 171
Woburn Experimental Station 175
Tropical Soils 182
Soil Survey of England and Wales 185
Special Reviews 191
Ecological Aspects of Aphid Flight and Dispersal191
The Hatching of Cyst-forming Nematodes202
Departmental Publications / Abstracts of Papers210
Publications of Rothamsted Experimental Station 251
Publications by Present and Past Members of the Rothamsted Staff 252
Map of Rothamsted Experimental Farm 1946256

Rothamsted eRAdoc is developed at Rothamsted Research