eRA e-RAdoc: Digited Documents from the Rothamsted Long-term Experiments

The New Farm

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Annual Report for 1914 with the supplements to the Guide to the Experimental Plots containing the Yields per Acre, etc.

Rothamsted Experimental Station Report for 1914 With the Supplement to the Guide to the Experimental Plots1
Rothamsted Experimental Station Staff List2
Rothamsted Report for the Year 19145
The Plant Nutrition Work10
Short Technical Papers ; Monographs23
The Experimental Plots and Fields25
The New Farm26
Cultivation Experiments28
The Green Manuring Experiment29
Mixed Crops30
Dates of Sowing and Harvesting 191432
Crop Yields on the Experimental Plots33
Crops Grown in Rotation Agdell Field33
Meteorological Records 1914 ; Mangolds Barn Field 191434
Hay. The Park Grass Plots 1914 ; Botanical Composition per Cent First Crop 191435
Wheat Broadbalk Field 1914 ; Wheat After Fallow ( Without Manure 1851 and Since) Hoos Field 1913 and 191436
Permanent Barley Plots Hoos Field 1914 ; Barley Hoos Field 191437
Residual Value of Various Manures Little Hoos Field 191438
Trials With Various Nitrogenous Manures : Potatoes ; Mangolds ; Oats (Sawpit Field) ; Meadow Hay39
Experiments in Soil Management : Fallowing; Mixed Crops40
Chalking : Barley ; Oats ; Potatoes ; Subsoiling41
Various Trials : Sulphate of Manganese As a Manure (Mangolds); Little Hoos Field Green Manured Plots Barley 1914 ; Barley Hoos Field Leguminous Plots 191442
Lawes Agricultural Trust ; Trustees ; the Incorporated Society for Extending the Rothamsted Experiments 43
Subscribers and Donors to the Rothamsted Experimental Station 1904 and Since44

Rothamsted eRAdoc is developed at Rothamsted Research