eRA e-RAdoc: Digited Documents from the Rothamsted Long-term Experiments

The Growth of Cheaper Winter Food for Live Stock Being the Report of a Conference Held at Rothamsted on November 15th 1929

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The Growth of Cheaper Winter Food for Livestock

The Growth of Cheaper Winter Food for Livestock-1
X. The Growth of Cheaper Winter Food for Live Stock1
The Growth of Cheaper Winter Food for Live Stock Being the Report of a Conference Held at Rothamsted on November 15th 19293
The Growth of Winter Food for Live Stock9
The New Zealand Solution of the Problem12
The Growth of Winter Food for Live Stock18
The Growth of Cheaper Winter Food for Dairy Cows23
Growing of Fodder Roots in Denmark29
Winter Feeding of a Dairy Herd on a Light-land Essex Farm34
The Growth of Cheaper Winter Food for Live Stock37
The Growth of Winter Food for Cattle42
The Growth of Crops for Dairy Cattle46
Account of the Discussion52

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