eRA e-RAdoc: Digited Documents from the Rothamsted Long-term Experiments

The Hertfordshire Agricultural Situation: Can It Be Improved? Being the Report of a Conference Held at Rothamsted on January 11th 1929

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The Hertfordshire Agricultrual Situation

The Hertfordshire Agricultrual Situation-1
Ix. The Hertfordshire Agricultural Situation1
The Hertfordshire Agricultural Situation: Can It Be Improved? Being the Report of a Conference Held at Rothamsted on January 11th 19293
Hertfordshire Agricultural Conference, 11th January 19299
Agricultural Production and Marketing in Hertfordshire13
The Place of the Oaklands Institute in the County Agriculture18
The Problem of Agricultural Labour in the County of Hertford25
Egg-marketing Reform28
The Ministry of Agriculture's Short-term Credit Scheme33
Milk-marketing by Pools and Otherwise39
Labour-saving Machinery As a Means of Lowering Cost of Production43
Appendix : Harpenden Dairies Limited : an Instance of Successful Co-operative Action Among Farmers for Retail Milk-selling46

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