eRA e-RAdoc: Digited Documents from the Rothamsted Long-term Experiments

Recent Changes in Systems of Husbandry in England Being the Report of a Conference Held at Rothamsted on November 27th 1928

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Husbandry in England

Husbandry in England
VIII. Recent Changes in Systems of Husbandry in England1
Recent Changes in Systems of Husbandry in England Being the Report of a Conference Held at Rothamsted on November 27th 19282
Recent Changes in Systems of Husbandry in England 7
The Relative Advantages of Intensification or Extensification of Farming11
Changes in the Home of the Four-course Rotation17
The Entry of Sugar-beet into the Economy of the Farm25
Recent Changes in Systems of Farming in Buckinghamshire28
Changes in Cropping Systems in Hertfordshire33
Recent Changes in Northamptonshire Husbandry38
Agricultural Conditions in Nottinghamshire As Affected by Recent Changes42
Recent Breaks from the Old Rotation in Sussex45
Recent Changes in the System of Husbandry in South Lincolnshire48
Recent Changes in Cheshire Husbandry51
Fruit and Vegetables As an Adjunct to the Farm53

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