Highfield Bare Fallow %SOC 1959-2014
Highfield Bare Fallow experiment soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (N) sub-plot data 1959-2014. The experiment was ploughed out of old grassland (since 1838) in 1959 and has been kept in bare fallow since by cultivation to suppress weeds. No crops are grown. The data set contains SOC and total N as % and soil stock data, soil weights and soil pH in the topsoil (0-23cm).
The soil was sampled eight times between 1959 and 2014, in the summer/autumn, except in 1959 when it was sampled in December, before the grass was ploughed in. There are four sub-plots. The stock of total soil N and SOC was calculated from %N and %SOC and the estimated soil weight, 0-23cm. %N and %SOC were measured on air-dried soil, ground to <2mm.
Soil pH was measured in water, with a 1:2.5 soil:water suspension, in air-dried soil, sieved <2mm. Samples were analysed for %N by the Kjeldahl method (Bremner, 1965), 1959-1987, and by LECO combustion, based on the Dumas method, 2000-2014. SOC was measured by the Tinsley method (Kalembasa & Jenkinson, 1973) 1959-1987, and as total C by combustion (LECO) minus CaCO3-C by manometry, 2000-2014. Soil weights were measured in 1978 and 2000 and also in 2000 from an adjacent area of grassland, to give an estimate of starting value in 1959. Stocks of SOC and total N were calculated from %SOC and %N and estimated soil weight, 0-23cm.
Rothamsted Research
dataset is
available under a Creative
Attribution Licence (4.0).
YOU MUST CITE AS: Paul Poulton, Andrew Macdonald, Andy Gregory, Margaret Glendining, Richard Ostler (2022). Dataset: Highfield Bare Fallow soil chemical properties, 1959-2014 Electronic Rothamsted Archive, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK https://doi.org/10.23637/rrs1-SOILCN1959-2014-01
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An Excel file, 01-SOILCN5914.xlsx contains the Highfield Bare Fallow soil data, 1959-2014. Frictionless CSV files are also provided for users who prefer the CSV format.
This dataset is derived from measurements made by the Analytical Chemistry Unit, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden.
The Analytical Chemistry Unit follows the Joint Code of Practice (JCoPR) and participates in European Quality Assurance programmes. All performance is strictly monitored using certified external standards alongside in-house standard materials. Standards and check samples are monitored and recorded.
For further information and assistance, please contact the e-RA curators, Sarah Perryman and Margaret Glendining using the e-RA email address: era@rothamsted.ac.uk