Example of data: June and December mean average air temperature at Rothamsted 1878-2023
The dataset provides the monthly mean air temperature at Rothamsted every year from 1878-2023. The figure shows the monthly mean air temperature for June and December at Rothamsted every year from 1878-2023.
Summary data used for this chart are derived from daily data measured at Rothamsted Meteorological Station. The average daily temperature is measured over a 24-hour period 0900 to 0900 GMT and calculated from the daily maximum (Tmax) and minimum temperatures (Tmin); the mean daily temperature = (Tmax = Tmin)/2.
First recorded in 1878, Tmax was then measured using a mercury column thermometer and Tmin using a spirit-in-glass with indicator bar minimum thermometer. Data were collected daily manually until 2004 using a standard protocol. Since 2004 temperature has been recorded automatically by Automatic Weather Station thermistors (electronic temperature probes, Campbell Scientific, Type 107).
Location: Rothamsted Meteorological Station, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, England 51.82 N 0.37 W 128 m asl.
Rothamsted Research
dataset is
available under a Creative
Attribution Licence (4.0).
YOU MUST CITE AS: Sarah Perryman, Tony Scott, Chris Hall (2024). Dataset: Monthly Mean Average Air Temperature at Rothamsted 1878-2023 Electronic Rothamsted Archive, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK https://doi.org/10.23637/rmsMMAirTemp1878-2023-01
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An Excel file containing annual mean temperature for each year and a chart of these data.
The monthly summary data contained in this spreadsheet are derived from daily data measured at Rothamsted Meteorological Station, Harpenden using MS Excel.
Verification includes checks for instrument errors, for missing data and outliers.
The original raw daily data is available, after registering, from the e-RA database. Please contact the e-RA Curators for an access password and further details.
For further information and assistance, please contact the e-RA curators, Sarah Perryman and Margaret Glendining using the e-RA email address: era@rothamsted.ac.uk